Easy to use Membership Database Software

There aren't many sports, pastime or community groups that don't run events or classes of some kind and have to manage all of their member's info. And take money, send messages and stay Covid safe. So why should it be so difficult to manage and arrange everything? Why so much admin? Well with Coacha, there isn't ...

Best online booking & payment system UK-01

Don’t take our word for it. Take theirs

I'm going to be really geeky and say ...

I really like the statistical analysis within the app for each member and the easy to access NOK and emergency details. I really like the format. It's easy to manoeuvre around and therefore should be easy enough for parents to download the app and get set up - which is paramount in getting parents on board. Also the app itself will be a substitution for operating chats with parents and members as Facebook Groups/WhatsApp is just not professional in my eyes and doesn't suit some who would rather not use social media at all.

Debbie Logan - Coacha subscriber

Classes & events in your member database

database membership
Save time with fully automated registers

Add members in, set up your first classes and bingo - your registers are automatically created. When you, your coaches or your members log in, they get to see what's on straight away.

member database
Let members book on
classes themselves

Do you run open classes that people can book onto if they want to attend? With Coacha's attendance registers people can log into your Member Portal and book in just a few clicks.

members database
Time saving and easy to use 'self check-in'

Display your registers on a mobile device or tablet and let people check themselves in. They're lockable and password protected too so no one's able to play around on your device.

membership database
The registers work WITHOUT internet?!

Yep. Just login before the session when you have internet access - take the class - then as soon as you connect to the web again everything is synched and updated automatically.

membership databases
Unlimited classes no matter how big you get

As you put more classes on and your numbers grow, Coacha grows with you. There are no limits at all and you won't have to pay more.

member database software
Secure, backed up and permanent records

Knowing who was in a class or session and when, is essential. You can view all of your attendance registers quickly and easily and what's more they're safely stored and backed up.

membership database software
Auto generated club calendar

No more wasting time telling people the same info over and over again. They can quickly login to your club's member portal and see exactly what's going on and when.

free membership database template
Term time/seasonal classes or sessions?

Not a problem. You can set their frequency and start/end periods to whatever you want. Great for school terms based classes.

membership database02
FREE iOS & Android Apps for EVERYONE!

You, your coaches, staff, adult members and parents can all use Coacha's apps. View your calendar, book on to classes, check the notice board - and so much more!

database membership02
No more inaccurate stats or data

Things like Bank Holidays and missed classes can really mess with your attendance register stats. Voiding a class removes any misleading data and keeps you accurately informed.

member database02
Once it's booked, it's booked! Or is it?

Limited spaces? No worries - just set your class sizes so that when they are full, no one else can book. Unless someone cancels, then a bookable space becomes available again.

members database02
Avoid delays when extra people turn up

Someone unexpected turned up? Quickly add them to the attendance register without having to mess around with your attendance register app settings - its all time saved!

Like what you see so far?

Then why not save time, stress and money, as well as simplify your admin at the same time?

Frequently Asked Questions about online membership database software

On the basis that when it comes to membership databases, member data and the software to securely host and manage them, there is absolutely no such thing as a silly question. We’ve tried to answer as many of the queries you may have at this stage of your research. 

What is Online Membership Database Software?

Membership management software equips nonprofits, clubs and associations with a variety of tools to manage their membership programs more efficiently and effectively, from building comprehensive member profiles to automating renewal reminders, synchronizing member data and managing proactive member communications.


Who should consider online membership database management software?

Any club, group, association or organisation that holds members’ information and data on a membership database would benefit from working with us.

Often, we find that members data is being stored and updated on outdated and unsecure systems, basic database software or old fashioned paper-based systems.


How can our organisation benefit from membership database software?

Imagine the ease of no more printed folders, files or untidy paperwork. The Coacha app allows you to store everyone's information securely on a single membership database. Athlete information; coaches' notes; attendance records; parent/next of kin contact details and medical/injury info are all just a couple of clicks or taps away.

Database software streamlines the membership management process for organizations and creates a more customized, rewarding experience for members. Software makes member engagement more strategic by helping you organise every aspect of data storage, your membership interaction and delivery


How does Coacha save you time?

With Coacha, you can automate all of the traditionally time-consuming tasks associated with running a club. In just a few clicks, many of them such as payments, registrations and sign-ups you can simply ‘set and forget'.


We’re only a relatively small organisation, do we really need membership database software?

Our membership database software is designed to be fully scalable for all sizes of organisation. If you hold member data of any kind, there’s a good chance that you require a software solution to efficiently and securely host the data.


Does the size of our membership affect the type of online membership database software that we require? What if our membership database numbers increase, will we be charged more?

In a word, no, no matter how many members you have, how many sessions you operate or how many coaches or admins require access. Our price is the price and there’s no nasty surprises.


There are lots of coaches who all require access to the information stored on the members database?

If you need to grant additional access to elements of the membership database but without permissions to access sensitive info like your club's finances. It is easy to create individual logins that allow access to the member database and class registers but not to your club finances.

You can also add multiple admins if you've a larger admin team - give them access to as much or as little info as you like.


How do we ensure that the information stored on our online membership database is accurate and as up to date as possible?

The Coacha online membership database software app is specifically designed to allow varying levels of permissions for multiple coaches, admins, members (or their parents) with a secure and encrypted log-in. Members are able to access the data that you hold on them and update the membership database if any of the information is incorrect or has expired.


We currently use a basic, free membership database system, will it be a difficult process to transfer the data?

Absolutely not. We make the secure and accurate transfer of your membership database to Coacha quick and painless. Our expert team work with you and your existing system to ensure that all information is securely transferred across to the Coach app meaning that you can concentrate on the important job of running your club organisation.


Who else is using Coacha software to manage their membership database?

Literally hundreds of sports clubs, dance academies, pastime clubs & theatre groups are already using Coacha to make their lives easier and to enhance their member’s experience.

Not only is Coacha incredibly simple for you to set up and use, right from the start our club membership software makes managing clubs and members very easy. Your coaches, staff and helpers really will love this new approach to club management.

You can monitor attendance, keep track of and save money (plus much more) whilst knowing your data stays safe and secure. Don’t just take our word for it, have a look at what some of our members clubs have to say about us in the testimonial section below.


OK, so I’m interested in exploring an online membership database for my organisation. What next?

Great news, we’d be delighted to talk you through the FREE TRAIL options – but first sign up here



“We had been stuck in the past, using a paper based membership database system which was inefficient, time consuming and prone to duplication and error.

Now, with help from the excellent team at Coacha, we‘ve moved into the 21st century. Coacha membership software presents member database information in a very professional and easy to navigate system. We can’t recommend this highly enough.”

Coacha is an absolute must for any club to manage its members database more effectively. We are just so happy with the system as it has eased the management of both memberships and our members data. We had looked at some free membership software, but once we’d tried the Coacha app via the free trial, it was an easy decision for us to make. Thank you”


How does my club database link with Coacha?

You can easily import your members database into Coacha by our mass uploader. If you haven't got time, we can do it for you (for free!). Then, when members are uploaded, each member will have their own Member Profile. So, your club members database has never been more efficient.


What if I don't have a members database?

Don't worry! We have a really great signup form which comes as a link (URL). You can send it out to members and when they submit their information, you'll just need to accept them from your Pending Members. So you can build your club members database as you go along.


Will coaches have access to my club database?

Coaches can have different levels of access within Coacha. They can either have full administrator access, full access to Classes, Registers and Members or limited access to the Members and Classes they teach.


Which parts of my members database can athletes see?

If you'd like, you can give members access to the Member Portal. This means the member or parent can log in, view, edit & download their data under GDPR. They won't have access to your club members database; just their own data.


Can I download a copy of my club database when all of the information is in?

Absolutely! Exporting your members database into a spreadsheet is super easy & takes a few seconds.

No card needed. No commitment. No brainer.

Enjoy all of Coacha's features FREE for 14 days. Then pay monthly if you like it. Cancel anytime too!

An overview of membership databases

It’s all about your data, in fact it’s been said that now Data is King!

It is tough enough managing and running a successful members club, but trying to do so without an accurate and up-to-date membership database is almost impossible. The effective and efficient management of the sensitive personal information stored on your club member database is key to the smooth administration of your club.

The security, accessibility and usability of your club member’s database software are key considerations when looking to reduce the volume of manual admin that naturally comes with managing the club database.

As well as state of the art encryption and robust security protocols, it is important that your online membership database management software allows for members’ information to be updated quickly and accurately wherever you are and whatever else you’re doing.

Whilst it may be possible to create a free membership database using simple spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel and there may be an argument for using free club membership database templates found online, it is important to consider how vital this information and data you are storing in this database template is to the running of your club.

It’s worth remembering that free membership database software is free for a reason, and often has both security and usability limitations as your club membership database grows over time. Further key functionality such as data synchronisation, auto-population and extraction is often limited or non-existent with most free membership database software for nonprofits and the like

So whilst the idea of being able to manage your club membership database for free might initially seem like a great idea, it may actually cost you more in your valuable time in the long run.


Common Challenges

When it comes to the management of their membership databases, we find that many clubs are facing the same, common challenges. How many of the below issues have you faced when it comes to your current database membership management?


Out-of-date and inaccurate data

Your members will move house, they change their phone number, they get married, they have children, change bank accounts and they may want to change their membership type or status. All of these amends need to be made in real-time in the membership database program. There is nothing worse than sending correspondence to old address or having an out-of-date phone number for someone. These are common, every day issues that all clubs face.


Multiple Versions of the member database

It is extremely common for Multiple Versions of the member database to exist on different devices often containing conflicting data and membership information. When more than one coach or administrator have a responsibility for updating the member database across multiple groups or teams, this issue can be compounded with no clarity on which version should be used and which member data is most accurate or up to date.


Limited access to the club membership database

Clubs that do not have access to their members data via an online member database find that they are limited by both the time and location of accessing the data. Often updates and amendments to personal member data are provided before, during and after sessions when access to a computer terminal and spreadsheet in not practical. Clubs operating a web based membership database are able to update and amend members data in real time, accurately and securely wherever or whenever the new information is shared.


Duplicate and incomplete records on the membership database system

It’s a common problem, that due to no-ones fault a club’s membership database lacks the accuracy required due, either to duplicate (multiple) records or incomplete inputs. Without a process for auto-synchronisation and data de-duplication, many clubs find that a single member may have numerous records, often with conflicting or out-of-date information making contacting them with confidence very difficult.


Limited functionality of the membership database management software

Clubs who are not using online membership database software often have challenges with the general usability and functionality of their membership database. The benefits of a web based membership database, which are outlined in detail below include increased speeds, accuracy, accessibility and security.


Security and GDPR concerns

Storing the personal information of your members securely and safely has never been so important. With so many high profile data integrity & security issues experienced by some of the biggest businesses in the UK, a robust security protocol is an absolutely essential element of your members database. To ensure that you do not inadvertently find yourself with a data breach or GDPR compliance issue, state of the art encryption is an important element of the club membership database software you choose.


The Solution

But worry not! Whilst the issues and challenges outlined above are not inconsequential, they are also all fixable. Selecting the right club membership database software for your club can be a minefield. But if you can relate to one or more of the above, then we have a solution for you.

Coacha is an easy to use online membership database software app that helps you to run your club, teams and classes efficiently. Get paid on time, take attendance registers, send texts, enhance safeguarding and comply with GDPR.


Key Benefits

The benefits of Coacha club membership database software, at a glance:


Accuracy & Convenience

Allow your members direct access to their data and the ability to update and edit their own information directly on the club membership database. Not only does this functionality reduce your administration, it increases the accuracy of the member data that you hold and is totally secure which assist with your club’s GDPR compliance.


Accessibility & Security

At Coacha we realise that you won’t always be sat in front of a computer when you need something. That's why Coacha is built with mobile in mind. Accessing your membership database in a web browser on your phone or tablet will be as smooth and easy to use as on your laptop or PC. 

We have also built both iOS and Android apps that give you a number of important functionality feature found in the full desktop system. In these apps you can take registers, view club finances, get member information and make notes. All of the key things you need when you are out there coaching



If you coach children, safeguarding their personal information is an integral part of what you do. Rather than using insecure paper records/spreadsheets, keep your sensitive member data and information securely locked away in Coacha’s secure online membership database.

By ensuring that all contact data is up to date and accurate you can use Coacha’s broadcasting system, designed with the NSPCC CPSU best practice guidelines in mind. There is no better way to demonstrate your commitment to child protection.



It is understandable to expect that a sophisticated database membership program that can do all the above and more, is likely to be expensive and beyond the reach financially of the smaller clubs. This is simply not the case – as for such a low subscription fee your club can say goodbye to the membership database management issues you may currently face.

Our pricing really couldn't be simpler.

Go on, start making life easier for yourself

You know it makes sense. You've been putting it off, but you know you need to do it ...

Member Management Database Software – FAQs

When it comes to using member management database software to help you securely host and manage all your member data, any number of questions could be running through your mind. And at Coacha, there’s no such thing as a silly, irrelevant or downright ridiculous question!

Take a read at the FAQs below – in case you can’t find the desired information on the Coacha member management database software, please get in touch with us. By the way, if you want to try out a 100% “Free For Live” version of our web-based membership database software, give Coacha Lite a try!

What is a web-based membership database programme or software, and what does it do?

Web-based membership database software like Coacha is an online computer software which helps clubs, associations and other membership-based organisations (such as a sports team or club) manage a variety of key membership functions, in order to provide high-value services to their members.


What are some good ways to grow an online membership database?

There are many ways you can grow your online membership database:

  • Give members the ability to easily join your club through your website
  • Make special, exclusive or “members only” offers
  • Market your services through social media
  • Use fundraisers to encourage people to join

However, one of the best, most practical and cost-effective ways to grow your online membership database is to use a web-based membership database application like Coacha. It has all the features you need to invite new members to join and then manage it all from the palm of your hand!


What kind of organisations require or benefit from online membership database software?

If you’re running a club or association where companies, groups or individuals are required to join your organisation, then there is an online membership database software like Coacha which can help you manage all the member-related data. This will help save you lots of admin and means you’ll have more time and energy to focus on other areas of your business.

If you want to try out a free 14-day trial for the Coacha online membership database software, then go right ahead. However, if you want to use an online membership database software which is FREE for life, then you might want to try out Coacha Lite!


What are the benefits of using a member database system?

There are many benefits to using a member database system like Coacha:

At its very core, Coacha makes managing a database really easy and simple. Our member database system is designed to automate manual processes, allowing you and your team to focus on other more pressing matters within the club, association or organisation.

With the right automated member database system at your fingertips, you can automate nearly everything as far as administering and managing your member database is concerned. In the end, this will lead to dramatically improved customer satisfaction levels too!


What kind of features does the Coacha database membership management software have?

Our database membership management offers many innovative features to help you manage your member database:

  • Join/renew membership – Today, most people expect to be able to join a member programme and renew online, instead of other means.
  • Event registration and management - Central to all membership programmes is the ability to register for events online and for your staff to manage these events too. Therefore, registering for and managing events should be a walk in the park.
  • Targeted communications - Mass emails to everyone no longer cuts it. Now, associations and clubs are keeping their communications more focused and targeted to limited groups at a time; a great database membership management app like Coacha can help you with that.
  • Email newsletters - Many members would want to have the most current and up-to-date information on your organisation’s happenings and/or events and their going to expect great articles and e-newsletters delivered right to their inbox.
  • Auto-generated club calendar - Forget about wasting time telling your members when an event is going to be held. All they have to do is login to the member’s portal and soak up the latest news!
  • Seasonal classes/sessions - Set the desired frequency and start/end periods. No more sending out notices each time and, in fact, this feature works perfectly for school terms-based sessions.
  • Free iOS/Android apps for the entire team - This includes you, your coaches, staff members, end users/customers and parents; everyone will have access to the Coacha membership database software for free!


What are some ways in which the Coacha membership database software (also free as Coacha Lite) can help me manage my member database?

We thought you’d never ask! Here’s how:

Optimised membership experience - The Coacha membership data software (free to try too under Coacha Lite) enables membership-based organisations to administer membership benefits more effectively and efficiently. This means your programme will easily stand out among others and be not only more convenient but also more rewarding for members.

A more relational approach - Our membership database system software is the only platform you’ll ever need to track all kinds of data which solely applies to members. With meaningful insights in the palm of your hand, you can really get to know your members and engage with them more through personalised membership experiences. Coacha offers you features to do all this so that they keep coming back every year. If you want to try out a “no strings attached” version of Coacha, then download the FREE-for-life Coacha Lite now!

Streamlined operations - Because our membership database system software centralises all aspects of your membership, you can stay better organised with your membership programmes. For example, processing monies due, tracking renewals, administering benefits, and more, all in one place means that you have a much more straightforward and holistic view of everyone’s membership. This can help you make better business decisions in both the short and long term.

Improved efficiency - Since you’re tracking all pertinent member data in one centralised location, our membership database system software eliminates the hassle and unnecessary time spent switching between different platforms. Coacha lets you automate a variety of time-consuming and often cumbersome tasks, so you can shift the focus toward other key efforts, such as member engagement.


We’re currently using a free membership database software online – is transferring the data to Coacha a difficult or complex process?

Not at all! We see to it that the secure and accurate transfer of your membership database is a quick, breezy and hassle-free process. Our friendly support team will work with you to ensure that everything is seamlessly transferred from your existing system to the Coacha free to download membership database software – leaving you to the ever so important job of running and managing your club or association.


What kind of organisations are already using a free to download membership database software like Coacha?

Hundreds of sports clubs, dance schools, theatre groups, pastime clubs and a variety of organisations who manage a member database daily – are all using an online member database software like Coacha.

Not only is the Coacha online member database software incredibly easy to set up and use, but it also makes managing your membership database a truly intuitive experience. Everything from your staff and helpers to your customers are going to love this innovative approach to online member database management.


I’ve never used an online membership database management software before. Can I try out Coacha before I buy?

Yes, you can! We’d be delighted to offer a free 14-day trial to help you understand how our online membership database management software works and especially for you to see and experience the benefits of doing so first-hand!


Will my existing club database link with Coacha?

Yes, it will! It’s super-easy to import your current members’ database into the Coacha online membership database management software. By using our mass uploader, you can upload all the members’ data, where each member will have their own profile. If you require assistance with this, we’d happy to do it for you at no additional cost!


I don’t have a members’ database at the moment – can I still take advantage of a membership database program like Coacha?

You certainly can! We will provide you with a fantastic, professional-looking signup form with its own URL. You can send this to your respective members and once they submit all the required information to you, simply click ‘accept’. This lets you add members to your membership database program as you go along.


How secure will my members’ information be in your member database program?

We understand how important it is for you to safeguard your members’ personal information, especially if you coach children. Instead of relying on paper records or spreadsheets – which is a very outdated and insecure way to store personal information – use member database software like Coacha to securely lock away all sensitive information.

The Coacha membership database management app stores all your members’ information in our highly secure servers which are encrypted with the latest SSL encryption. In addition, we also ensure that our servers comply with GDPR laws, giving you complete peace of mind that your data is secure and never shared with any third parties or even the Coacha backend team – with the only exception being when you require technical support. Even then, we may require your personal information only, and not your members’.


Is it possible to use my existing payment gateway with the Coacha member database app?

Well, that depends on which payment gateway you are currently using. If you’re using Stripe or GoCardless, for example, you can easily integrate that with our membership database app. But if you’re not, that’s okay as we can help you get set up with either of these two payment methods. It’s really simple and hassle-free, we promise!


I already have a website – can the Coacha membership database software integrate with it?

Unfortunately, our membership database software does not have the functionality to integrate with your website because it is a standalone platform, even though it is web-based. But the good news is you can link it from your website to your bespoke Member Portal for an easy, breezy and seamless customer journey!


What is the setup or onboarding fee for your membership database program?

The Coacha membership database program has no setup fee whatsoever! 


Is there a knowledge base for the Coacha membership database program I can refer to?

Yes – within our membership database program, you’ll find support sections, walkthroughs and FAQs to help you make the most of it. Should you require any additional support or guidance, please contact us.


Can I try out your member database software before I buy?

Absolutely! We offer a FREE 14-day trial for the Coacha member database software to help you get acquainted with all its fantastic features and see for yourself how it can help save time and money.


I’ve never used a member database software. What considerations do I need to make before using Coacha?

If you’ve never used a membership database software like Coacha, don’t worry. Here are some considerations you might want to take into account in order to help you understand what it can do for you and how it’s beneficial in many ways:

  • What is my membership programme’s structure?
  • What is my current budget?
  • Is the membership database software user-friendly?
  • Is it scalable?
  • Do I need to integrate with other platforms such as my preferred payment provider?

After answering these questions, you’d be delighted to know that a membership database software like Coacha ticks all of the above checkboxes! It is very user-friendly, easy to use, and has been designed to help you manage as many member profiles as you like. It can also seamlessly integrate with common payment providers like GoCardless and Stripe.


I don’t believe myself to be “internet savvy” – is using a member database software like Coacha complicated?

Not at all. The Coacha member database software has been designed with user-friendliness and ease-of-use in mind. It’s super-easy to setup and use. So, all you need is a desktop or handheld device with an internet connection, really.


How does the Coacha member database software help me organise member data?

Good question! Our membership database software helps you store, keep track of and update all your member data in one centralised location – which is accessible to you and your staff at all times. It provides a dedicated place where members can interact with you whenever they want. You can also track member engagement to see how you can further improve your services, and by consistently reviewing your association, organisation or club data this way, you can significantly increase ROI, while saving plenty of time and energy in the process.

We could go on and on about how our member database software’s features can help you boost business, but we’d rather you see for yourself: try the FREE 14-day trial now!


What are the system requirements for running the Coacha member database and which platforms does it support?

The Coacha membership database software can be run on any device with a Windows, Mac, Android or iOS operating system. You don’t need a super-fast desktop computer or mobile device to enjoy all the brilliant features. Even if your device is, say, 8-10 years old, it should run the membership database software just fine. As long as you have a reasonably fast internet connection and a moderate amount of RAM, you’re all set.


Which browsers does your membership database software support?

The Coacha membership database software supports all major browsers including Chrome, Firebox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer.


I run a gym and need help managing my member database. Will Coacha help me manage my membership databases?

Absolutely! The Coacha gym database management system has been designed with key features to help take the hassle out of managing membership databases. For example, it can help you reduce your time and energy in half by automating a lot of key administrative functions like membership renewals and sending out monthly or weekly notices.

There are far too many exciting features available in our gym database management system to discuss here. Might we suggest a FREE 14-day trial to help you discover all the benefits?


Membership databases are very cumbersome to manage. I’ve used other kinds of gym database management systems and membership database management software in the past, but had a poor experience. How is the Coacha club database software different?

We’re sorry that you’ve had a poor experience with other membership database (free to download) software and free online membership database software.

Here’s how Coacha stands apart:

  • Simple and straightforward interface, providing for breezy and hassle-free navigation. Find what you want, manage your membership databases and be done with it!
  • Super-easy to setup and use – but we’ve still included guides and how-tos in our club database software to help you get started.
  • Even if you’re not computer or internet-savvy, the Coacha club membership database is remarkably easy to use. All you need is an internet connection and a mobile or desktop device.
  • Add as many members as you like at no additional cost!


Which currencies does the Coacha membership database (free to download) software support?

The Coacha membership database is free to download in the UK, EU, US, Canada and Australia – so at the moment, it supports currencies from these regions, although we are planning to add support for more.


What is the experience like for my members when they download and start using a member database software like Coacha?

Nothing short of brilliant, even if we do say ourselves! After downloading the member database software and joining, members can view all their membership details, edit information, update payment info, receive timely news and updates from you, and a whole lot more. Your job just got easier!


Can your member database software help me retain and attract new members?

It definitely can. You can use our member database software to add more personal touch-points to your entire communication process in order to maintain a tighter bond and overall engagement.

For example, you can attract new members as well as better retain existing ones with targeted messaging and a very user-friendly signup process. A database membership software like Coacha can help you engage with new and existing members in many, many ways – whether you require free membership database software for non-profits or a martial arts database software, for instance, to help run your association/club more efficiently. Coacha is your go-to club database software (free to download), a platform fit for all seasons to help you run your business in a more time and money-savvy manner.


Is Coacha truly the best membership database software available? What if I want to drive more memberships during event signup – can it help me do that too?

Oh yes, it can! Coacha can be certainly described as the “best membership database software” available because it allows you to grow your association/club and better manage not just membership databases, but also sponsorship purchases for your non-profit, for example – by collecting membership dues along with event registration.

Our club membership database software combines both these tasks, which means easier for your members to:

  • Renew or change membership status quickly and easily
  • (New members can) instantly receive your rates and terms & conditions
  • Both membership and registration fee can be collected through a single and simple transaction

And many more benefits! But don’t just take our word for it – try out the club membership database software for FREE with our 14-day trial offer.


Is Coacha truly a free membership database software or is there a catch?

No catch at all! Coacha is free in the sense that there is no setup fee or annual renewal you need to worry about. You simply pay a monthly subscription fee to access the full suite of features and that’s it. You can stop using it at any time and pick up where you left off – everything will be there as-is.

While other “free” membership database platforms claim to be just that while still charging annual fees or setup fees, Coacha is free to use and only requires the monthly subscription fee. However, if you’re looking for a free online membership database software that’s literally FREE all the time, for life, then you might want to try out Coacha Lite, although it has limited functionality compared to the Premium version.


Is the Coacha members’ database software for associations and non-profits only?

The Coacha club membership database software can be used as a free membership database software for non-profits, a dance studio database software, a gym member database software, martial arts database software, or any association, organisation or club, really, where membership databases must be maintained.


How do I ensure that members can access, view or download only their own data and no one else’s while using your free membership database application?

You don’t have to worry about this at all. Simply give access to your members through your Member Portal from within the free online membership database, and your members (as well as their parents or guardians) can log in, view, download, change details, etc. of their respective data. All of this complies with the latest GDPR guidelines, so again, you can be safe in the knowledge that this data remains secure and is only viewed or accessed by those authorised.

Therefore, anyone logging into the Member Portal will have access to their own data and no one else’s.


I wanted to download a copy of my members database once all the data has been fed in. Can I do that in your member database software?

You can, absolutely! Just use the appropriate option, which is accessible from the main menu on the top-left, to export your members database into a spreadsheet, and that’s it. Hardly takes a few seconds!


Is there any assurance that my members database within your database membership will be 100% safe the entire time?

It’s perfectly normal to have security and GDPR concerns as every association, club or organisation owner should. The server’s Coacha is hosted on feature a robust security protocol, which helps us ensure that there’s never a data breach or GDPR compliance issue. Furthermore, state-of-the-art encryption ensures that your members database remains hidden and secure, and can only be viewed by you or your members (who can view and/or change their own profiles only).

With that said, however, we can’t guarantee 100% safety all the time, taking into account forces of nature, an act of God, or say, a nationwide attack that leaves servers crippled. With that said, we backup data regularly on our servers, so that in the event of a software glitch, your data remains protected and secure.


If I can’t find the required support from within your membership database software (in the UK or elsewhere), what can I do?

We have a great support team to help you with membership database management or any other aspect of the Coacha membership database online system that you need to familiarise yourself with. You can contact them here.


Is the Coacha membership database online application a cloud-based or online-only club database software?

Yes – the Coacha club membership database software is web-based, which means it requires an internet connection in order to help you perform the necessary day-to-day membership database management functions.


Is there any limit to the maximum number of members I can have in your club membership database application?

No limit at all! The Coacha club membership database software (free to download) imposes no limit to the number of members you want to add to your membership database management software.


Do I have to have a computer in my office to be able to use your membership database software in the UK or anywhere else?

Not at all! The Coacha membership database software for the UK and other supported regions can be used through any handheld device which supports Android or iOS.


Will I be billed automatically each month while using the membership database management software or does it have to be done manually so that I don’t miss the payment date?

Don’t worry, it’s all automatic! The day you start using our membership database management application is the day we take as the first day of your subscription. Then you will be billed automatically on the same day of and your access to the membership database online app will remain completed uninterrupted.


If I accidently lose my data or delete information I shouldn’t have, is there any way to recover it from within the membership database online app?

We back up our entire club members database system which ensures no loss of data in the event of any issues with the software. However, just so you know, we don’t back up individual club data within the membership management database although we do provide access to it. With that said, as a club owner, you need to decide on your back up processes from a GDPR perspective.

So, it’s good practice to always keep a backup of your own member data by using the data export tool on a regular basis.


Can I get a demo before I start using the Coacha member database management application?

1-2-1 demos are a tad difficult with the amount of new organisations like yours we have coming on board on a daily basis. Calls tend to tie our team up a lot longer than our ticket support system can manage, as it’s very easy to end up digressing chatting away for ages!

With our low price point plus such a high volume of clubs trialling Coacha, I’m afraid there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to be able to offer 121 demos with Q&As. Also, as a heads up, please be wary of those competitors of ours that do offer demos – as generally they are at a much higher price point.

With that said, we’re all about helping people and as a result, our boffins have produced a full demo video which helps with about 80% of people’s commonly asked questions when they start to set up Coacha:


Totally worth a view – if you can spare 20 mins, watch the whole thing… people tell us they have found it invaluable when in the position you’re in now.

It starts with the ‘Dashboard’ top left in Coacha then takes you through all of the sections, so just skip to the relevant bit you need help with: (There are more superb videos in our Vimeo Channel here: https://vimeo.com/showcase/9669022)


Can I use the Coacha member database management application anywhere?

The Coacha member database management application is cloud-based, which means you can use it anywhere, as long as you have a computer and/or mobile device that’s connected to the internet.


How does Coacha’s club member database features help out a dance school?

Unlike other kinds of club membership database freeware, Coacha is a dance studio database software which helps dance schools make administrative functions really easy. Not only that but it also aids members in a number of ways – e.g. sending everyone important notices or reminders at the right time, which can help you save time and money.


How can Coacha help me as a sports club database application?

Coacha offers powerful features to help you manage your sports club database in a seamless and hassle-free manner. For example, if some of your members have not cleared their membership dues, the club member database software will automatically send notifications and reminders before and after the payment date.


How can Coacha help me improve my dance school database?

While other membership database systems simply offer a handful of features to manage your dance school database, Coacha helps you improve on nearly every aspect of maintaining your dance school database.

For instance, it lets you integrate easily with popular payment methods such as Stripe and GoCardless, so you can take payment from your members. 


How can a club members database software like Coacha help me with my gym administration?

Coacha can be effectively used as a gym member database software to help you attract more members and better retain existing ones.

For instance, you can use our gym member database software to send existing members special offers and discounts, while you can also use it to attract new members by offering an easy-peasy signup process from within the Coacha club membership database freeware.


Can Coacha be used effectively as a martial arts database software?

Absolutely! One way you can use our gym database software is to communicate any class schedule changes directly through the app – where you can choose to even give parents access so that everyone is on top of class schedules every week.

No wonder many martial arts coaches, students and parents alike feel that Coacha is the best membership database software all around!


This is my first time making a club members database. Are membership database systems like Coacha generally easy to setup and use?

While it’s understandable that some membership database systems may be a bit complicated to setup and use, we assure you that the Coacha club database software (free to download) is anything but!

In fact, you will find that a club database software for free like Coacha makes it so easy to manage your dance studio database, for example, or your club database for a sports association, or even one where you require free membership database software for non-profits to manage your database.

As soon as you download our database membership management app, you’ll find the user interface extremely intuitive and self-explanatory. However, if you still need assistance on how to set up your database membership management app, please get in touch with us.


How does Coacha simplify day-to-day membership management database functions?

At Coacha, we understand how complex it can be to manage a database for memberships. This is why we’ve included specific club membership database freeware features to help you get a firm handle on your day-to-day club database management.

While we can’t list all those club database management features here, we urge you to try out the FREE 14-day trial to help you see the benefits of our club membership database software (free to download).


I’ve heard that other gym database software available online charge annually – is it the same for Coacha?

The Coacha gym database software is not just any martial arts, sports club, non-profit organisation or dance studio database software – it is a club membership database software (free to download), where you ONLY pay a small monthly fee, and that’s it!


Is your club database software for free really, truly available for free?

Unlike other database software or sports membership database management software, we never lock you into annual contracts or ask you to pay any setup fee or annual fee just to maintain your dance studio database, for instance.

Coacha is free to download but in order to continue offering fantastic features and frequently update them.


No card needed. No commitment. No brainer.

Enjoy all of Coacha's features FREE for 14 days. Then pay monthly if you like it. Cancel anytime too!

Membership Management Apps & Software for any type of club, organisation or society.

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© Copyright Coacha Software Ltd (2014 – present day)

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Coacha has saved us so much time and improved our interaction with new and current customers. Since we started using Coacha the system has been upgraded so many times with fantastic new features. The customer service is fantastic, and we wouldn't be without the system!

Clare Company Director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Coacha is a must for our gym. Very pleased. Recommend Coacha to all gym owners. Easy to use and navigate. Manages all our CRM needs. Great team ready and willing to support.

Jon Owner Head Coach in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic software for all your administrative needs. The fact that all admin tasks are on one platform - previously we had accounting software, invoicing applications, google documents for storing athlete information and registers. Coacha allows you to fulfil all of your usual administrative tasks in one place and allows athletes/parents to view the information as easily as staff.

Alex Program Director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

I wouldn’t use anything else you can use every feature on it & it’s so easy to work. If it wasn’t for this App, I would be doing hours & hours of admin. So, I’m thankful to have found this app!

Hannah Dance teacher in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Easy implementation, streamlined administration, fabulous support, advice, and online help. Cost effective solution with great infrastructure and a friendly team. Highly recommended for club management solution.

Jillian Business Manager in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

We switched over from another system - EVERYTHING is easier! So functional. The staff like it as do the parents. The admin are very quick to respond too.

Hannah Owner & Head Coach in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic customer service and is a fab asset to our club. Easy to use, saves me time and stress! It also feels safe storing medical and co tact details.

Laura Lead director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic Software for Dance Schools! Monthly subscriptions have been a game changer for our business, far less admin time required compared to previous system and the reports have been really useful. Looking forward to working with the system further to develop our dance school!

Arlene Studio Owner & Administrator in UK Health, Wellness & Fitness - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Excellent, affordable, clean. Coacha is very user-friendly, clean and professional with good customisation options. I don't think there's much that can be improved.

Ashton Director in UK Performing Arts - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Great support and easy to use system. Very happy so far. Has made administration so much easier than with our previous system (and something that I look forward to rather than dread!). The overall feel of the system is very 'clean', easy to sign onto, navigate and use

Laura Owner/Partner in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

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