Easy to set up & use Fitness Class Booking software with FREE apps

Save time & money and organise your members, staff and events. Store data securely, get a full Booking System and Store Front, and ensure you always get paid on time. FREE Apps, a Member Portal, Website Integration, Attendance Registers and Advanced Safeguarding tools all come with Coacha too. It's also GDPR compliant and constantly updated with new feature sets at no extra charge.

Plus much, much more.

 fitness software

Don’t take our word for it. Take theirs

Streamlined and efficient

Where to start? First of all, the ease of use and simplicity of this software means even the non-computer savvy user can easily work this software. The sign-up form contains all of the questions you need, and you can add more. The payment system was setup with ease … a timesaver for the clubs treasurer. All of my coaches have access to the details they need, and nothing more which keeps it even simpler for them. If you have a club that has membership fees and want to jump into the 21st century, then Coacha is exactly what you need.

Mark Jackson – review on Capterra & Coacha subscriber

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Timeslot management

Complete control over your timeslots and their ability to be booked. In just a few taps or clicks, you can open up timeslot's for clients to book and pay for a private session.

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Pay on booking features

Need clients to pay for a private session when they book? No problem. Our personal training booking system gives you multiple payment options, from cash to direct debit to card payment.

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Record your hours

Know exactly how many hours you have worked over a specific time period with our timesheet feature. You can even export the data and integrate to your accountancy software.

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Multiple types of session

From 1-2-1 timeslots to small private groups, this feature has you covered. It can even help if you run several separate 1-2-1s in the same time slot.

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In app booking

Your clients can log into the Coacha iOS / Android apps on their phones or tablets and book their time with you straight away. Just a couple of taps or clicks and they are all done!

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Cancelation management

Sometimes people need to cancel, but often forget to let you know. Our system tells you straight away if a client isn't coming and opens up the session for rebooking.

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Member zone bookings

When your clients login to Coacha on a PC or MAC, they get the full Coacha experience. Here they will find all the controls and features needed to book their private sessions.

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Get paid on time, every time

Getting paid for your hard work has never been simpler. Take rolling subscriptions and all other fees and one-off payments using Coacha’s payment partners Stripe & GoCardless. Not only are the extremely secure but they are the cheapest in the market.

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Medical info always to hand

Your clients are a tough bunch, but accidents do happen. When they do, Coacha ensures people’s medial & emergency info is to hand immediately. You save precious time that in extreme cases can prevent live changing injuries and even save lives.

Embed Coacha on websites

With a simple bit of code you can display info from Coacha on your own website. All it takes is an iFrame and you’re good to go. Let members and non-members alike see sessions and events, and book directly from your own website.

No website? No worries! 

With Coacha, we can host your Public Pages for you. No extra cost, no hidden surprises, just completely free webpages. Get your classes, sessions, events, courses, membership sign up, and more, all on the web – no web programming necessary!

Availability & selection

Check people's availability by inviting the members you want and watch their responses come in. Coacha will then notify the people you select so you'll always have a full team, squad or event.

Like what you see so far?

Then why not save time, stress and money, as well as simplify your admin at the same time?

We don't charge you more if you grow!

If your club expands, some organisations will charge you more in subscription fees. At Coacha, the no.1 fitness software, we don't believe you should pay more for putting in the work and growing your club. So, whether you've just recently started off with 20 people, or are an established club with 100+, you will always pay one very reasonable, fixed price. 

No fixed term contracts - cancel any time

While we're confident you'll love Coacha as much as we do, it's good to know you can cancel at any time. You pay us on a monthly basis – just like with Netflix. And, just like with Netflix, you're free to cancel your subscription with us at any time.
gymnastics studio software

iOS & Android Apps mean you are always connected at your Fitness Studio

Never be caught without the right information again as Coacha has dedicated Apps for both Android and Apple iOS. Designed for you, your staff and your members / parents, they work on mobiles and tablets such as iPads.

iOS iPhone and iPad

Our iOS App works on all current Apple devices and gives you and your clients the key information needed quickly and conveniently.

Google Android 

The Android App has proven to be as popular as the iOS App. Now everyone is catered for meaning your life will get easier and less stressful!

Add your logo & colours to Coacha

Would you like to be able to fully brand Coacha with your own logo and colours so it looks like Coacha is yours? And have Apps and a Member Portal that look like they are yours too? Well, now you can with the Coacha Custom Plan! 

Plus, the ability to send invoices, personalise system emails, turn features on and off and have your own dedicated Account Manager. 

" The main benefits we have found so far are… " 

…management of class times and schedules , invoicing our members via email , the ability to group members together based on our own defined categories and the contact tracing feature … allowing us to select a member and have a very clear breakdown of when and who they took a class with in case of any Covid related queries.

Kevin Arrigan – Treasurer - review on Capterra & Coacha subscriber

Designed to make your life as a fitness instructor easier ...

With years of coaching experience, our co-founders understand what it takes to manage parents, classes and money. That's what has enabled us to create Coacha; a fitness software designed to help you focus on the things you love - teaching and training. With a simple but powerful interface that cuts admin time in half, keeps all of your members' details to hand no matter where you are, and is proven to minimise missed payments, Coacha is the perfect solution for streamlining your day-to-day class management.

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Got a few minutes to check out our  Coacha Demo Video?

Our boffins have produced a demo video which helps with about 80% of people’s commonly asked questions. It starts with the ‘Dashboard’ top left in Coacha then takes you through all of the sections. Watch the whole thing or just skip to any relevant bit you want to explore.

Sell Products Online with 'Custom Store'*

Sell online using this additional new feature set that is included with the Coacha Custom Plan. With the ability to sell unlimited items, you can quickly and easily sell products, kit, holiday camps, awards, and much more besides. 

Keep everything under one roof and save money on expensive online store and eCommerce transaction fees.  No cross referencing different software. No inconvenient multiple logins for your members and parents. Quickly see whose ordered what, and when, and how much they’ve spent.

Coacha is renowned for being intuitive and easy to use and our team of designers, developers and UI experts have made it almost child’s play to use the Store feature.

(* included in Coacha's FREE 14 day trial, then available as part of the Coacha Custom Payment Plan).

Fitness class booking software FAQs

With so many fitness class booking software providers on the market, it's a confusing (not to mention time-consuming) process to find the right system for you. Here are some frequently asked questions that may help you decide what's right for you.

What are the limits with Coacha's fitness class booking software?

There really are no limits. You have unlimited everything with Coacha. Members, instructors, classes and sessions, registers, subscription plans, email…the full works!

The only thing you pay extra for are text messages. And these are as low as anyone else in the market at 4.5p per text message.


Is fitness software easy for members & parents to use?

If you want members and parents to login to Coacha, then yes, your own bespoke ‘Member’s Portal’ is very easy to use. It has been painstakingly designed to be really easy to use, so there’s no excuse for people not to login!

Great for them, time saving for you, and having fitness software with your own logo on it really makes your fitness class look professional and well organised.

What’s more, members get to see all the personal info you have on them and they can update and/or download it if they want (great for your club’s GDPR compliance!)

There are also FREE Andriod and iOS apps available for everyone to use too. What’s not to like?


If I use fitness class booking software, will it help with my accounts?

Absolutely, as it keeps everything digital and streamlined. You can see whose has paid you what, when and how. Plus, you can keep a very close eye on how much money your fitness class is taking. And if it is losing anything from your people not paying you.

What’s more, accountants love fitness class booking software that they can download from and integrate your fitness class’s financials to the software that they use. Software like Xero, Quickbooks or Sage to name but a few all help with making tax digital (MTD)  


Do I need a card reader to take payments if I use fitness software?

No, you don’t.

Do away with the expense and hassle of terminals and readers. You can take card payments through Stripe and direct debits through GoCardless.

Need a member to pay for a T-shirt or kit? You can send them a one-off payment request by email or take a payment right there in front of them using the Coacha interface.

Not having a card reader not only reduces your costs but simplifies your online billing processes straight away. It also makes your fitness class look professional and well organised.


What happens if payments fail?

Let’s face it, payments do sometimes fail and for various reasons. Only the best fitness software has a payment retry process, especially one that retries up to four times.

Whether a bank error, a cancelled payment or just insufficient funds, having a robust subscription management system  means you can simply ‘set and forget’ freeing you to get on with tasks that are more enjoyable than admin!

You can choose to be notified that a payment has failed and is being retried, or just set Coacha so that you’re notified when the last attempt has failed. Just think of the amount of time this will save you with chasing people for money they owe you…


Does fitness class booking software help me if I have an emergency?

When looking for the best fitness class booking software for your fitness class, choose something where you will always have Emergency Information to hand. It is essential you make sure you have emergency contact info available, as well as medical notes for all of your members.

Also, make sure that whatever fitness software you go for it has the ability to work ‘offline’ for when you don’t have mobile internet access or a decent wifi signal. Coacha’s apps are designed to work without internet access and will automatically synch with Coacha the minute you get internet access again.


What stats and figures can I get from fitness studio scheduling software?

Performance, attendance, and financial data are crucial for any fitness class that wants to stay at the top of their game. The best fitness software should show you instantly your member attendance levels and who’s been putting the work in, and equally as much, who hasn’t.

It should also give you easy access to your headline financial info whether for the last week, month or whole year. Quick access like this means quick decisions can be made and you’ll always be in control of the money in your club.


With fitness class booking software I’m told I still need to comply with GDPR – will it help?

Any organisation that collects personal data must comply with GDPR legislation, and that includes fitness classes. The very fact that you choose to use fitness software itself will show that you have data protection built into the running of your club.

A bespoke ‘Member Portal’ such as those you get free with Coacha enable people to access the personal data you hold on them. Fitness class booking software with this functionality will also give your users the ability to edit and download their data if they want to. This type of advanced functionality really is the gold standard of GDPR compliance.

Want to really get to grips with GDPR, why it’s important and what you should be doing to keep your club compliant? If you do then download our FREE GDPR in sports guide which not only explains GDPR but also gives you practical tips you can implement immediately.


Can I get free attendance registers too?

Any fitness class booking software that’s worth considering simply must have automatically generated attendance registers. Having these automatically produced for you saves both time and hassle with your fitness class’s admin. They should be 100% free too and not an add on or upgrade feature.

You should be able to quickly add members in, set up your classes and hey presto, your registers are automatically created. When you, your instructors or your members log in, they get to see what's on straight away. This is an essential factor to look for in any fitness class booking software.

Coacha’s advanced attendance register features mean that you can enable classes or sessions that people can book straight on to without coming to you first. On the day of the class itself they can also check themselves again without tying up any of your staff’s time.


Can I get a free fitness class booking app?

If you’re after a class booking system free, then why not try Coacha Lite which is completely FREE Membership Management Software FREE Membership Management Software?


Can people book on to classes themselves?

Not all fitness class booking software (UK or overseas) allows members to book on to classes directly themselves. However, by enabling ‘make class bookable’ in Coacha you can reduce your time on admin and speed up the way in which your members can register for classes.

Great if you run open classes that people can book onto if they want to attend, and with setting a class size you can ensure that your classes are never over-subscribed. Your members can simply log into your Member Portal and book up in just a few taps or clicks.


I only operate during term time – does this matter?

Some fitness classes have term time/seasonal classes. The fitness software should give you the ability to have start and end dates for your classes as opposed to just weekly or monthly options.

With unlimited classes and registers, Coacha is perfect for setting start / end periods to whatever you want. Great for school term-based classes as well as events such as one off competitions, or showcases or exhibitions.


I get people turn up unexpectedly to my classes – how can I add these people?

It happens. People turn up unexpectedly to a class or event and you know that you need to collect some of their personal details just so they can join in. Some fitness class booking software doesn’t cater for this in a way that is quick and easy to sort out on the day.

With Coacha’s fitness software (free for 14 days), you can avoid delays when extra people turn up unexpectedly. Quickly add them to the attendance register without having to mess around with the app settings or add a full new member. Then, after the class, you can go back and add more of their details in when you have more time.


Does an online class booking system (free or paid for) help with safeguarding children?

When performing class scheduling software reviews make sure that whatever you choose helps with safeguarding children. Make sure you are able to segment the children’s information so that only specific staff are able to see their personal information.

Coacha lets you set different levels of access as you don’t want people seeing the wrong data. The messaging centre also has NPSCC CPSU text and email rules built in so that people are unable to contact children directly without other’s being copied in. This can include other members, staff, parents and even your safeguarding officer.


Can I send text messages to people using fitness software?

Check out independent class scheduling software reviews and always make sure that any software or app that you use only partners with industry leading SMS specialists. Coacha partners with the best SMS service in the UK - TextLocal. You'll enjoy amazing rates, quick delivery and accurate reporting. No need to use your mobile text allowance again!


I only want to message specific people. Can I do this with fitness class booking software?

Being able to select and control who receives your messages from your fitness software is very important. You really don’t want to bombard people with messages not relevant to them.

As part of your fitness class booking software. Coacha enables you to customise who you send your messages to with ease. Send to just your instructors, members of a certain class, to a specific group, or to everyone ... you're in total control.

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Fitness Class Booking Software – FAQs, Part II

I’ve never heard of fitness class booking software. What is it exactly?

Fitness class booking software is something which can power the administration aspect of your business. There are many terms that can be used to describe fitness class booking software – such as fitness class booking system, fitness class booking app and fitness studio software.

Through intuitive fitness class booking software like Coacha, you can achieve that near-perfect balance between meeting members’ needs and collecting payments as well as effective management and complying with safety requirements.

Fitness studio software can help you do all that and much more – like manage classes and memberships. With the sheer level of admin automation involved, you’re effectively freeing up a lot of time and energy to focus on key aspects of your business – such as connecting with existing and prospective clients.


What does the best fitness management software look like or what should it have?

When you’re looking for the best fitness management software to use, it should help you make admin-related tasks really easy so that you can spend more time connecting with your customers and their families.

At the very least, the best fitness management software should have:

  • A feature for easily managing payments and memberships
  • The ability to send notifications when a slot becomes available
  • Integrated communication tools to send emails, notices or text messages
  • A mechanism for helping you grow the business

With the above in mind, Coacha can truly be called the best fitness management software, because it brings a tonne of useful features to the table, in addition to the above.


What kind of features make Coacha the best fitness management software?

Quite a few, actually – way too many to list under one answer!

Just to give you an example, the club management features include club reports, an intuitive club dashboard, advanced stats, notification controls and club documents storage to help you manage everything from a single point of access.

Check out the full list of  features to understand why Coacha truly is the best fitness management software currently available.


What’s the number one thing I need to do to better grow my fitness business?

Apart from focusing on the really fun stuff, such as coming up with tailored fitness routines for your respective clients, you can use the Coacha fitness studio software to keep everything smooth on the management and administration side of things.


Can my fitness instructors and staff members have access to the fitness studio software or it is just me and my clients?

Anybody you share the login credentials with can access the fitness studio software – so that includes clients, your various employees, and even your clients’ parents or NOKs (next of kin).


Does your fitness booking app offer different plans or packages according to the total number of members or how large my fitness club is?

We don’t offer plans based on client numbers in our fitness booking app for one simple reason: the fixed low cost monthly subscription fee applies to fitness clubs of all sizes!

So, no matter how many clients you want to add or how you scale the business, we will never charge you anything over the fixed monthly fee for using the fitness booking app.


Such a low fee each month to use the fitness booking app sounds too good to be true – are there any hidden charges at all?

Negative! The super-competitive monthly fee is all you pay to use the full feature suite of our fitness booking app, so there are no hidden charges, renewal charges, annual contractual charges, setup charges, cancellation charges, etc. None of that nonsense you’ll typically come across in other fitness class booking systems.


I’m really enjoying the FREE 14-day trial for your fitness class booking system. But what happens when it ends? What about my members’ list, for example, and other personal information?

Once the trial for your fitness class booking system expires, you’ll be prompted to continue using Coacha’s features through the paid membership. If you continue, that’s great! But if you need some time to think it over and decide whether the fitness class booking system is right for you or not, all your clients’ data including their (and your) personal information stays safe in our secure, end-to-end encrypted servers.


What kind of payment methods work with your fitness class booking system?

Through Coacha you will be able to take direct debits, accept debit and credit cards, as well record cash, and BACs transfers and Standing Orders.


Is support included within the fitness class booking system?

Yes, there are a number of useful links, how-tos, FAQs and even a knowledge base to help answer your questions about the fitness class booking system. But if you require support with something not present in these sources, then you can submit a support ticket through your fitness class booking app directly and we will get back to you usually within 12 hours or so.


Do my payment details remain secure all the time when using the fitness class booking app?

Oh, definitely! In addition to our secure and encrypted servers which are all GDPR-compliant, we have handpicked two of the most trusted payment merchants: GoCardless and Stripe. So rest assured, your transaction details are always secure and hidden from prying eyes when you use the fitness class booking app to make or collect payments.


Can I pay annually for using the fitness class booking app?

Yes, you can! We do offer the option to pay upfront for 12 months once your fitness class booking app’s free trial is over. Coacha's fitness studio scheduling software we believe is super-competitive whether you pay monthly or annually.


Is your fitness studio scheduling software easy to setup? What if I need help with this?

Oh, it’s super-easy we assure you. Just download the Coacha fitness studio scheduling software and follow the on-screen setup instructions. They’re as easy as having a lovely slice of cake! If, for some reason, you require support with setup, then our friendly support team is available to help.


Can I stop using or cancel usage of your fitness studio scheduling software at any time? Are there any cancellation charges?

Yes, you can stop using the fitness studio scheduling software whenever you wish. Just to be safe, we recommend using up your entire monthly premium – but please cancel *before* the renewal date because Coacha works on a rolling or ‘recurring’ subscription.

Also, just an FYI – there’s no cancellation fee whatsoever, unlike what some free fitness class booking apps are doing. When you want to resume your usage of the fitness studio management software, simply start paying again, and you’re back in! Everything will be there just as you left it.


Do I get my own website along with the free fitness class booking app download?

Well, as much as we’d love to – no, your free fitness class booking app download does not include a website. Coacha is web-based fitness studio management software, so there’s no need to have it integrate with your website. Just login and start using the fantastic features – your clients even have the option to login to Coacha from your website using thebespoke Member Portal which comes FREE with your sign up to the free trial.


If I use up the 14-day free trial for your fitness studio management software, could I possibly get another free trial? 

Well, we’d love to say yes but if you do you will need to add all of your data in again to our fitness studio management software.

With that said, if you don’t feel comfortable spending any money on our fitness studio management software yet and feel that a completely free version may meet your needs for now – then go ahead and try out Coacha Lite, a scaled back version with stripped back features but is absolutely 100% free for life!


Can members book themselves into classes using the fitness studio booking system?

They certainly can through the fitness studio booking system, and it is super-simple:

Registers are used to ‘check in’ to a session or event and be marked as attendance. Clients can login to the member portal itself to see info, pay money, book onto classes, etc.


Which systems is your fitness studio booking system compatible with?

The Coacha fitness studio booking system is compatible with iOS and Android devices as well as Mac and PC systems. In fact, you can even use your PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series S/X to download and use Coacha!


I’m new to fitness studio management. Do I have to be computer-savvy or internet-savvy in order to effectively use a fitness studio management platform like Coacha?

Not at all, friend! The Coacha fitness studio management platform has been designed with user-friendliness and ease-of-use in mind. Even if you’re not computer or internet-savvy, using our fitness studio management app is as easy as downloading it and following the on-screen instructions.

For any help at all, you can contact our support team who would be more than happy to assist.


Can I accept payments online through the fitness studio management platform?

Yes, you can. In fact, we would recommend accepting payments through our fitness booking software as it’s the most secure way to do so, thanks to the GoCardless and Stripe integration.


Can my staff members access the admin page within the fitness booking software in my absence?

Definitely! You get to decide who has access to the fitness booking software’s admin panel. You can choose the access level by adding them in either:

  • An additional Administrator with the same high level of access that you have
  • A ‘Coach Full’ role with visibility across all data apart from your financials
  • A ‘Coach Limited’ role with access to more limited / specific information that is set by the classes that they are assigned to conduct


Can you set up the Coacha fitness booking software for me?

But, of course, it would be our pleasure! Simply download the Mass Import Spreadsheet from within your Coacha dashboard, add you own data to it, then email it to us on  support@coacha.co.uk and we’ll do the rest for you completely free of charge!


How many clients can I add to the fitness booking software?

As many as you like! There’s no limit to the number of clients you can add. As your business scales, the Coacha fitness booking system will always be there to help you manage it all at no additional cost.


I forgot my password to the fitness booking system – can you help me retrieve it?

Oh, but it’s all in your hands! Just launch the fitness booking system, click on ‘login’ and then ‘forgot password’. A link will be sent to you for you to enter a new password.


Are there any other plans available for your fitness booking system?

Yes, there are several packages in our fitness booking system for everyone to enjoy. With NO other charges apart from the fixed monthly one, we at Coacha believe that they're fantastic value for money and very competitive compared to what other fitness studio booking software providers are offering.


Can I permanently delete my account from the Coacha fitness studio booking software if I ever need to?

If, for whatever reason, you need to permanently delete your account from our fitness studio booking software, simply Let us know and we will arrange this for you

Also important to note is that once your account is permanently deleted from our fitness studio booking software database, it cannot be restored and you will need to create a fresh one the next time you want to use Coacha.


How do I add more users to the fitness studio booking software?

You can add more users to the Coacha fitness scheduling software by going to the main admin page, and under ‘Manage’, you’ll see the option to add users. This way, the new users will have their login credentials so that they can use the fitness scheduling software to check class schedules,  make payments, receive and send messages, etc.


How do I get my payment invoice when I pay for the fitness scheduling software monthly membership?

You don’t have to do a thing! The Coacha fitness scheduling software will automatically send an electronic invoice on the email address you used to register. If, for some reason, you require a duplicate, just login and they are all in your Club Settings in your Dashboard.


Are SMS messages and emails completely free in your fitness scheduling software?

While email messages are free, for SMS messages, it’s just between 4p and 5.5p per message in the fitness scheduling app. The amount of characters on any message will dictate how many text credits are used for each message. Each text credit allows you 128 characters.


How can I adjust my language from within the fitness scheduling app?

The Coacha fitness scheduling app is currently supported in the UK, US, EU, AU and Canada. So, whichever supported region you login from, it will automatically default to “English”. With that said, we are working to make our fitness scheduling app available in more regions, and subsequently, add support for additional languages.


How do I accept payments from clients through the fitness scheduling app?

You don’t have to move a muscle! Our fitness scheduling app comes integrated with two of the UK’s top payment merchants, GoCardless and Stripe. So, when your clients need to pay up, they will simply go through one of these two payment gateways to pay their membership dues in an easy, cashless and hassle-free way. You’ll get notification from within the fitness membership software as soon as they do.


Who can book classes online through the fitness membership software?

Anybody you give access to from the main admin panel of your fitness membership software. So, this means staff, clients and their parents or NOKs, or any other person your client(s) has asked to give the login credentials to.


How is my data processed? Does it stay in your servers permanently after I no longer need to use the fitness membership software?

Your data is processed according to the latest region-specific GDPR guidelines and the UK’s CPSU guidelines as well, which focus specifically on protecting children’s privacy online. So, don’t worry – everything is safe and secure in our end-to-end encrypted servers which are monitored and updated 24/7.

When you stop using the Coacha fitness membership software, your personal data remains in our servers for you to come back to unless you ask us to remove it.


What if I want to limit the number of people who can enrol in a session – is there a way to do that from the fitness management system?

Yes, you can certainly limit the total number of attendees per session from within the fitness management system. Here is a link which explains the step-by-step process.


If I want to take payments up front from clients during session registration, can I do that through the fitness management system?

Yes, you can. Just enable the prepayment option from the left-hand menu on the main screen and your clients can pay in advance for sessions using the integrated Stripe payment gateway.


Can I broadcast certain information to clients through the Coacha fitness management system?

Oh yes, you can! Broadcasting to your clients and coaches through the Coacha fitness management system is a doddle.

If you want to send bulk email/SMS, for example, find ‘Broadcasts’ under the fitness management software’s main navigation bar and choose ‘Send Broadcast’. Give it a subject, type your message and choose whether you want to send it as a text, email or both.


Some of my clients are not receiving broadcasts through the fitness management software – why is that?

Coacha fitness management software has a broadcast system which is built around the NSPCC’s CPSU guidelines – child protection in sports unit. If you’ve entered the correct DOB for each client, then those clients will be contacted according to the CPSU guidelines in order to maintain the highest level of safeguarding, which means some underage clients may not receive the broadcast directly, and instead their parents or NOK will. 

With that said, some users have told us that only not all of their intended recipients received the broadcast when sent through the fitness management software. There may be multiple reasons for this:

  • Incorrect email address – It sounds like a silly thing, but did you double check to make sure the email address was entered correctly?
  • Message landed in spam/junk folder – This is known to happen and when an email hasn’t been received by one of your clients, there’s a fairly good chance it’s sitting in their spam or junk folder.
  • Highest email security settings – Some of your clients may have the highest level of spam settings activated on their email account. In this case, the email will not even land in their spam folder and bounce right off into oblivion! So, you may want to ask your clients to at least lower their spam folder settings or add your fitness club email address to their list of safe senders.


Some of my clients or their parents are having trouble logging into the Coacha fitness management software. What can I do to help them?

If any of your clients sign up incorrectly to the fitness management app, it may keep them from logging in, or even making payments and receive emails in future.

We take pride in the fact that our fitness management app has been built around best practices set by NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sports Unit (CPSU) guidelines. Even though clients or parents may complain about not being able to login to the fitness management app, over 99% of the time, the issue is due to a member’s credentials being incorrectly set up. Please check out this  link to learn more and the steps you can take to prevent this going forward.


Can the Coacha fitness management app integrate with TextLocal?

It certainly can! Go  here to set it up and enjoy TextLocal integration with your fitness management app.


I’m not sure how to link the Coacha fitness club software with my Stripe account. Can you show me the steps?

We’d be happy to point you in the right direction for linking Stripe with your fitness club software. All the needed steps can be found right  here.


I’m not sure how to link the Coacha fitness club software with my GoCardless account. Can you show me how?

Certainly! Please go  here and check out all the steps needed to link your fitness club software with GoCardless. 


Cab I pause a subscription plan in your fitness club software if I need to?

Yes, and it’s really easy.

Just open the main interface of your fitness club membership management software, click on ‘Money’ and then ‘Manage Plans’.

Then tap or click on ‘Pause’ after selecting the plan you want to pause. And that’s all there is to it!


What are ‘Club Stats’ in the fitness club membership management software and how do I access them?

The ‘Stats’ feature pulls essential information from the fitness club membership management software to give you a fair idea of how your fitness club is performing. So, there are stats on attendance, finances, member activity and much more.

From the main menu of your fitness club membership management software, select ‘Statistics & Reports’. Here, you will find all sorts of stats around attendance, money, popularity and what have you. Take your pick and get to know your club performance at any time no matter where you are. 


Can my clients book specific locations, items or venues through the fitness club membership management software if they wanted to?

Oh yes, they can! Your clients can book things like gym equipment, specific areas in your fitness facility such as pools and courts, plus a lot more through the useful and customisable venues system within the fitness club management system.

You can find the venue booking feature in the club settings tab in your fitness club management system. Just enable the Venue Bookings option and you’re good to go.


Can I edit or delete a member subscription from the fitness club management system?

If the subscription plan hasn’t been attached to any members yet within the fitness club management system, then you can edit it by going in the settings cog next to the plan and selecting ‘Edit payment plan’. Please note that you cannot amend a member subscription once it has been set up and members are attached to it.

To delete a member subscription in the fitness club management system, you must first ensure that all members are cancelled. Click on the rubbish bin icon next to the plan. The fitness club management software will ask for confirmation, so just tap or click on ‘Delete subscription plan’.


Can my clients book 1-on-1 private sessions through the fitness club management software?

Yes, they can. In fact, they can do so from within the fitness club management software and your website too through the bespoke Member Portal which gets set up automatically when you sign up to the free trial.

To book 1-2-1 sessions from the Coacha fitness club management software, members need to login via either your Member Portal or one of our Apps and then head to the booking section. A very intuitive design means that clients will easily be able to book on to your sessions.


Does your fitness club management software come with a Member Portal? If so, how do I use it?

Yes, it does. Please visit this  link as it has all the necessary information to help you use our fitness class software’s Member Portal to make things super-easy for both you and your clients.


I’m not sure how to create a GoCardless account in your fitness class software. Can you show me the steps?

We’d be delighted to! From your fitness class software’s main menu, find the ‘Money’ tab, then go to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Create a GoCardless account’. Follow the simple instructions and, you’re done in no time!


I have existing GoCardless payment agreements or mandates. Can I link those with the Coacha fitness class software and my members?

Yes, you can. First, you must complete these preliminary steps within the fitness class software:

  • Add all clients into the Coacha fitness class scheduling software
  • Link the fitness class scheduling software with your GoCardless account
  • Proceed to create your GoCardless plans

Now, go to ‘Money Settings’ and click on ‘Import Existing Mandates’. Match an existing mandate to a client and plan within the fitness class scheduling software. And finally, tap or click ‘Import’ once you are done “marrying” up your fitness class scheduling software clients with existing mandates. There – all done!


I’m not sure how to link Stripe with the fitness class scheduling software. Can you show me the steps?

But, of course! Head over to the ‘Money’ section from within the fitness class online booking software main menu and select ‘Settings’. On your right, you’ll see the ‘Connect to Stripe’ option. Clicking on this link will take you out of the fitness class online booking software and straight to Stripe’s website. If you have an account, that’s great – use your username and password to sign in. if not, just create one, follow the on-screen instructions and pretty soon you’ll be collecting payments from client directly through your fitness class online booking software!


Some of my clients have left but I still need to keep their record on file. Is there a record archiving feature in your fitness class online booking software?

Yes! We thought this might come in handy – our fitness class online booking software’s Member Archive feature allows you to do just that.

Just go to a client’s profile, turn on ‘Archive’ and hit ‘save’. To find your archived clients from the fitness business management software, simply go to ‘Status’, then select ‘Archived’ and ‘Search’.


Can you explain what the Attendance Register is in your fitness business management software and how to use it?

When you log into the fitness business management software, you’ll be at the main Dashboard screen. Just scroll down and underneath your fitness business management software’s Noticeboard, you’ll find ‘Attendance Register’. You can access this from ‘Classes & Registers’.

This gives you an overview of all the classes scheduled for the current week. Please visit this  link to understand all the Attendance Register options in your fitness business management software.


How do I lock or unlock an Attendance Register in the fitness business software?

Super-easy: head to Dashboard/Classes, then Attendance Registers and click on ‘Go to this register’. It’s a great way to allow clients to sign in/out of a class without giving them access to the entire fitness business software.


What does the Class Archive feature do in your fitness business software?

The Class Archive in your fitness business software lets you clean up your class without losing any records or attendance-related data. It’s a great way to archive old classes or one off events, but without deleting or losing your attendance data in the fitness business software, which can often come in handy at a later time or date.


Can Coacha be called ‘Crossfit member management software’?

Well, you could call it ‘Crossfit member management software’ or ‘Crossfit gym management software’, but at its core, it remains “fitness class management software”.

So, whether you’re running a Crossfit club and need Crossfit member management software or ‘Crossfit gym management software’, or a regular fitness club which calls for “fitness class management software” – you’ll be getting more or less the same great functionality to help you run your fitness club in a more cost-efficient and time-savvy manner.

We actually have a handful of users who like calling it Crossfit member management software or Crossfit gym management software because their club’s activities chiefly revolve around Crossfit training. At Coacha, we usually refer to it as “fitness class management software”, but if you’re running a Crossfit training camp or club, then you can totally call it ‘Crossfit member management software’ or ‘Crossfit gym management software’!

We’d be somewhat proud to have the “Crossfit” badge next to our fitness class management software!


Can your “Crossfit” gym management software help make my clients or athletes more efficient?

In a way, yes – when you are connected with them through our best-in-class fitness class management software, you will have vastly improved lines of communication, no matter where you are and where your clients are. One of the key features of our fitness class booking software in the UK and other supported regions is to make communication prompt, simple and quick, improving client performance as a result because they will always be on top of the club’s happenings.


Can I assign different levels of access to my fitness instructors in the fitness class booking software (UK or other supported regions)?

Yes, you can definitely assign different levels of access from within the fitness class booking software in the UK (and all supported regions).

You can either give them full administrator access, where they’ll have complete access to Classes and Registers or you can limit their access to the Members and Classes they teach only. Just go to the main menu of your fitness class booking software (UK and other supported regions), then select ‘People’ > Your Members > Coaches and Admins. Click on ‘View Profile’ or ‘Add new staff’ for one of your existing fitness instructors and choose the level of access from the drop-down menu.

Done! Assigning different access levels in the fitness class booking software for UK and other supported regions is a walk in the park.


Is Coacha a fitness class attendance app for free?

Well, we don’t want to give any false hopes here, unlike some providers who advertise their platforms as a “fitness class attendance app free to use”.

Coacha is first and foremost a “fitness class attendance app” (free to download). So, you’ll deal with none of that nonsense around setup fee, contractual fee each year, cancellation fee, etc. Second, our fitness class attendance app (free to trial) carries a monthly charge and that is the ONLY charge you’re paying to use it.

However, if you feel that paying a monthly charge is something you’re not willing to put in for now, then there is a platform that you might call 100% “fitness class attendance app for free”, and it’s called Coacha Lite, which is free to use for life, although the feature sets are scaled back a little compared to Coacha Premium.


Is there a photography waiver option in your fitness class attendance app?

Yes, there is as we thought you might find it useful at some point! Some fitness clubs ask their clients and/or parents to agree to photography which might be scheduled in the club from time to time. The photographic waiver option within the fitness class attendance app gives clients a way to agree to class photography through the sign up form. It’s in the Club Sign Up Form options under ‘Club Settings’.


I’m not that computer savvy and need to edit my profile in the fitness class attendance app. Can you show me the steps?

Absolutely! Just open your fitness class attendance app, log in and click the profile picture that’s next to your name. In order to change any personal details from within the fitness class attendance app, just select ‘My Profile’ and click on ‘Save’.

You can also change other profile settings like your password – click on ‘Manage Password’ and then ‘Save’. To replace your profile picture for the fitness class attendance app, click the camera icon on your name’s left hand side, choose a picture and upload it.

However, to update your email address from within the fitness center software, you will need to  email us and we’ll do it for you in a matter of hours.


How can I update my club details in the fitness center software?

Perhaps you changed your club’s phone number or moved to a new location entirely – updating class details in the fitness center software is really simple. At the top of the screen, you’ll see a cog icon against the black bar. From here, you can edit your details.


I need to update my T&C – is there a way to do that from the Coacha fitness center software?

Oh yes, there is! Fitness clubs do update their terms and conditions from time to time, especially at the start of a new term – but you want to make it easy for members to re-provide consent to the new policies. Well, we’ve made it really easy to do that from the fitness center software.

All you need to do is go to ‘Profile’, then ‘Club Settings’, and ‘Signup Form’. Either remove the current T&Cs document which you need to alter/update or upload the new T&Cs by clicking on ‘Upload a file’. Then click ‘Save’.

The next time a member and/or parent logs in to the fitness center management software’s Member Portal, they will be informed that there’s an update to the T&Cs which requires their consent. 


Whether I continue using the fitness center management software or not, what will you do with my personal details?

The personal details we acquire through the fitness center management software stay secure in our servers for up to 90 days and don’t serve any purpose beyond staying there till that time and then getting deleted automatically. Anonymised usage data, however, is what we use to improve the services we provide to you – which has nothing to do with your personal data. So, just to reiterate, absolutely nothing is done with your personal data or it is not used in any way that might be beneficial to us or, say, harmful to you. We simply use the personal details (like email address and mobile number especially) to check and verify your identity each time you use the fitness center management software.

However, when you no longer need to use the fitness center management software, your personal details remain safe and secure in our servers for you to return to in the future should you want to.

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Booking Software for Classes – FAQs Part III

I’ve never used booking software for classes – how does it work exactly?

Booking software for classes is the easiest thing in the world! Whatever method you are currently using to keep track of your members, who paid when, what’s the class schedule going to be like this week, etc. or any kind of admin-related function – the Coacha booking software for classes will make it a good ten times easier and more convenient.

The days of running your fitness class admin using paper, folders and someone’s personal computer at home are long gone. Smart fitness instructors, clubs and organisations are using a sophisticated yet really easy-to-use booking software for classes like Coacha. Just download it and try it out absolutely FREE for the first 14 days!


What are the underlying benefits of using booking software for classes? What if I don’t use one – what am I missing out on essentially?

Consider the following for a moment:

  • You’re doing your best to run the club effectively but feel that things could be a lot better
  • It’s getting increasingly difficult (and frustrating) to keep track of everyone and everything that’s going on in your club
  • You’re worried that should a serious incident ever occur, you may end up in legal trouble
  • Guidelines and legislation are tighter than ever, and you do not have the necessary privacy measures in place to protect your members’ personal data and privacy
  • Your instructors are coming under a lot of scrutiny daily – having evidence that you have personally done everything to help things move forward can be very difficult to document, record and demonstrate
  • There are just so many things to remember and, sometimes, certain things do get overlooked, putting you in a potentially difficult spot with members and instructors

This is nearly an endless list to be honest – by simply downloading a booking software for classes like Coacha, you can literally tap away all these woes and improve your club administration and management in massive ways!

So, by not managing everything through a class booking app, you’re unnecessarily inviting trouble at your door. The most productive fitness instructors are already using a class booking app like Coacha to simplify everything from managing their classes, clients and instructors, through to payments, sign-ups and much, much more. You’re literally letting a huge opportunity slip right past you by not using our class booking app.

Not sure if the Coacha class booking app is right for you? Here – we invite you to try it out FREE for 14 days.


Why or how was the Coacha class booking app developed? What inspired you?

Great question! We initially developed the class booking app for our own use, and that too out of sheer frustration, actually. We couldn’t find a single, straightforward, easy-to-use “no nonsense” kind of class booking app which ticked all the right boxes. We were also aware of the troubles instructors face on a daily basis when things go wrong – because when they do and those instructors don’t have access to the information they should have to begin with, a lot of “names get named”, and people either end up losing their jobs or members walk right out of an  organisation – or both.

We understand what instructors and sports club/organisation owners go through each day – we are still instructors ourselves, so we would never want anyone to be in that sticky situation where a “worst case scenario” could have been easily avoided, simply by having access to the right information on the spot.

This was one of the key inspirations behind developing the Coacha fitness booking app – no more awkward moments for instructors! Plus, fitness class administration shouldn’t have to be a cumbersome process; rather, it should be fun and engaging!


Can you tell me about some of the features of your fitness booking app?

Absolutely! Here are just some of the main headlines:

  • Instantly access every member’s details within a few taps or clicks.
  • Have all critical member details on hand no matter where you are – especially useful when there’s a medical emergency.
  • No more carrying around printed copies or sifting through registers to find the desired member information.
  • Single unified point of contact for everyone: your members, instructors, club staff, members’ parents or NOKs – anyone who’s involved directly or indirectly.
  • Establish contact fast when the need arises through quick and efficient SMS and email broadcasting features.
  • Collect member payments easily through GoCardless and Stripe integration.
  • Attract more members to your club by allowing them to quickly sign up directly from the fitness booking app.

If only we could list every single benefit of our fitness booking app to help you understand how super-useful it is! For now, here’s a link to a FREE 14-day trial. See all the features in action at your own pace!


Does your fitness booking app provide the necessary medical information on hand in case of an emergency?

It does – in the event of any ‘incident’ or medical emergency, the exercise class booking app gives you access to medical info on any member, accessible from the main control panel in a few taps.


What if I don’t use an exercise class booking app to access members’ medical information – is there any way around it?

You can certainly store your members’ medical information in a register or computer but think carefully about the following:

  • What if critical medical information isn’t always available – what will the consequences be?
  • Even though you have the original medical form which members filled out, you don’t have it on hand in case of an emergency.
  • Are you always aware of the medical conditions your members may have and do you know if anyone of them has been in contact with another member who has COVID-symptoms?

Failing to act fast in the above scenarios by not having access to the required information can lead to dire consequences. Why risk it? An exercise class booking app acts as a single point-of-access where you have all the medical information you need on any member, all accessible within seconds.

To see what kind of features our exercise class booking app has to keep everyone COVID-safe and free of injuries by always providing you with the necessary information on hand, download the 14-day trial now.


What is the general cost of buying or using an exercise class booking app? Is it affordable?

The general cost of buying a fitness booking software may depend on the number of members you want to add or how frequently you communicate with them. Many fitness booking software providers charge anywhere between £65 to almost £200 a month (and sometime even more!), depending on how you want to use their fitness booking software.

With Coacha, you’ll never find yourself wondering whether you should use the fitness booking software because every time you want a certain feature, you have to pay extra – or whenever a new member comes aboard, you have to (again) pay extra.

The Coacha fitness booking software offers a very simple on-the-go solution: pay one simple low monthly fee to access all the premium features and add as many members as you like. Simples!


What kind of text messaging functionality does your fitness booking system have?

Our fitness booking system allows you to send text messages to either a select group of individuals or everyone at once. No need to go through your phone book or add people one by one to your messaging list. Just make them into groups if you want to text certain people around certain times of the day or week, or simply ‘broadcast’ a bulk SMS text message to everyone.

It’s all very self-explanatory – just access the main control panel of your fitness booking system and you’ll see a variety of text messaging options pop up.


Why do I need a fitness booking system to send text messages to members? Why can’t I just use my phone?

While that’s certainly a legitimate concern, there are many advantages to using a fitness booking system to not just send text messages but also emails. Also, have you ever been in any of these situations:

  • Members showing up to cancelled sessions or those with changed timings as they didn’t get an important Facebook update or email on time?
  • Angry parents who didn’t get notified of an important event in your club, and as a result, their child missed out?
  • People coming up to you saying: “I don’t use social media – why didn’t you just text me in advance?”
  • Dealing with the frustration of not being able to reach multiple members and/or their parents and NOKs on time in a single broadcast?

A fitness business management software makes this all super-easy, because you can send the required message to the right people in a timely manner. The best part? The charges are exactly the same as your mobile phone service provider – so, for example, if your message is 160 characters long or less, you get charged for 1 text messages and if it’s over that, then you get charged for 2 test messages, and so on.


What are the charges per text message in your fitness business management software?

We charge just 4.5p to 5.5p per text message, depending on the character length. For the record, these charges are exactly the same as your local mobile phone provider, so for every message containing 160 characters, you are charged for one text message. Over 160 characters means, getting charged for two messages and if you send that to, say, 20 members, then you will get charged for 40 text messages to ‘broadcast’ the SMS communication.


Does the Coacha fitness business management software help me manage finances?

It does. In fact it does the opposite of “losing money”!

So, for example, one way the fitness business management software helps you manage finances a lot better is by helping you keep track of who paid and when. Since your members started paying, an entire log is generated and kept within your fitness business management software, so that you can check out the transaction history with a specific member at any time.

It’ll also help you spot certain trends – for example, your staff or instructors conducting classes in a certain way where you may be losing money instead of the other way around. You’ll also know which members have a habit of paying late and which ones are prompt.

So, at pretty much any point in time, you’ll be able to see if your business is in the red or black. 


What kind of child safeguarding measures are in your fitness business software?

We’re glad you asked! First of all, the Coacha fitness business software allows you to easily check if all your instructors are DBS-checked. This is a requirement by law when hiring instructors that will be supervising anyone under the age of 18, so we already have you covered on that front.

Second, we have integrated the latest NSPCC guidelines into our fitness business software – what this means is that any members’ private and personal data is never shared with any unauthorised parties, especially children’s data. Even our internal staff has access to this data on a ‘need to know’ basis only. You can also use the free Member Portal to see who your child has been communicating with along with details of that communication.

Lastly, we follow the latest GDPR guidelines with our fitness business software, which means your private data is always stored and processed in a way which is in line with the latest data privacy laws and regulations in all the regions our fitness business software currently supports.


How do you keep members’ data safe and secure in the fitness center management software?

We accomplish this through multiple methods:

  • Every ‘file’ we have on members is stored on ultra-secure servers using the latest SSL protocols and encryption. They are backed up multiple times so if, for some reason, should one server ever get compromised due to circumstances beyond our control, there will always be a backup copy in a secondary server.
  • What might these circumstances be which are beyond our control? This includes everything from an act of nature to a local or city/nationwide internet outage which may make servers inaccessible for the time being.
  • We also see to it that every piece of data is stored, processed and handled in accordance with local regulations and the latest GDPR laws.


Do I need to use fitness center management software for keeping my member data secure? I already have everything on the cloud and/or my computer – isn’t that good enough?

“Good enough” is a matter of perspective – to be honest, even certain kinds of cloud services are vulnerable to hack attacks, phishing, ransomware and viruses – all of which are used to steal private information from online databases. While you definitely should not keep any member data in physical folders as these can always be stolen from your car or home, for example, you shouldn’t rely too much on your PC or laptop either because who knows: how often are you backing up the data? Is your device ICO-compliant? Does it have the latest security updates and virus definitions?

Are your instructors doing everything possible within the workplace to ensure that member data does not end up in the wrong hands? There are just so many variables to worry about – it can be a real drain on you, both mentally and financially.

With fitness center software like Coacha, everything is safe in our best-in-class servers and accessible to only authorised personnel at the touch of a button, or rather, in a few taps and swipes!


I’ve never used any kind of fitness center software, ever – is Coacha difficult or confusing to use?

Even if you’ve never used a fitness class booking app such as Coacha, we assure you, you’re going to find your way around it very easily and feel right at home!

We’ve actually had people come up to us who weren’t computer-savvy or even internet-savvy at all – saying what a blast it is to use the Coacha fitness class booking app! We’ve literally designed every aspect of our fitness class booking app to be as user-friendly as possible.

So even if you have zero experience with using a fitness class booking app, just go to this link, download Coacha, follow the on-screen setup instructions, and you’re golden!


I’m a bit hesitant to download your fitness class booking app as I find technology and apps a bit intimidating – how can I overcome this?

It’s perfectly okay to not want to use software, the internet or technology in any form – some folks are like that, and we totally understand. However, in our experience, there are many reasons why people are initially so hesitant to use (and take advantage) of a fitness class booking app.

Do any of these resonate with you?:

  • You are close to choosing a fitness class booking app but are still on the fence about which one to get – they all seem to complex or confusing;
  • You have used fitness class booking app in the UK (and may be using it now) which requires every single member to sign up and log in individually – unfortunately, members can be unreliable and lazy, or feel that using some kind of fitness class booking app in the UK (or wherever your club is) is a waste of time;
  • You and/or your members believe that using fitness class booking software is simply too technical and time-consuming, and that there’s a learning curve in order to use it effectively;
  • You believe that setting up and configuring fitness class booking software is a tedious, confusing or generally time-consuming process which demands too much focus;
  • Someone told you that using a fitness class booking app in the UK or other regions where it is supported, means adding full member details for every member, which may take too long to have it up and running;
  • You want something that can be picked up and used immediately but you’ve been told otherwise – that fitness class booking software can be difficult to set up and complex to use;
  • You want to be able to start using the fitness class booking software’s functionality immediately in as little steps as possible, but the ones you have already used are the opposite;
  • You’re not ‘tech-savvy’ so you feel that the fitness class booking software simply wouldn’t work properly in your hands;
  • The last time you used a fitness class booking app in the UK, you got so confused with all the screens and processes just to access member information or class schedules, that you thought “nah, no way”;
  • You just want someone to set up the a fitness class booking app in the UK for you, so that you can start taking care of business;
  • You find it annoying that every time you add a member to your fitness class booking app in the UK, it costs you more;
  • Even though you did your best to feed in all your member info into the fitness class booking system, but yet when you want to find something, it’s not accessible from a single easy-to-access point;
  • You need to find a specific piece of information on class schedules, member payment dates or medical records, for example, and you absolutely shudder at the thought of first logging in, then verifying your password, then keying in a search and waiting for results to pop up – the thought of how time-consuming it may be discourages you from even opening your fitness class booking system;
  • You’re not sure how to consolidate all your member data in the fitness class booking system – some of it is on spreadsheets, other bits in Word documents, some on your website and other pieces of information on printed paper;
  • You’re having trouble finding the right information in case of an emergency and you wonder – will logging into my fitness class booking system save time or waste more precious minutes, especially when someone’s life may be at stake?

Well, it’s time to relax and rest assured that when using the Coacha fitness class booking system, you will face NONE of these issues. ABSOLUTELY NONE!

An easy user interface along with simple and breezy navigation are just some of the features built into Coacha – you’ll never find it cumbersome, stressful or time-consuming to effectively manage your club’s activities on a day-to-day basis.

Go ahead and try out our fitness class booking software in the UK (and other supported regions) absolutely FREE for 14 days to see how it makes life easier!


Does your fitness class booking software in the UK (and other supported regions) help me save time?

It does indeed! Consider the following – when was the last time you:

  • Didn’t have the time to learn a new fitness class booking software in the UK, let alone add everything to it from scratch?
  • Had to chase around instructors, asking them if they have time to conduct sessions at a certain time or even chase around members asking them to pay on time?
  • Sent out texts from your personal phone to everyone which took ages?
  • Used your current fitness class booking software in the UK to perform even the simplest of tasks, such as adding members or re-schedule a class, and it took ages to do so?
  • Rifled through folders and registers to find a specific member record because you couldn’t find it easily in your fitness class booking software in the UK?

With the Coacha fitness class management software, you will literally never ever have to worry these unnecessary and often silly issues, which is typically the case with certain kinds of fitness class management software, or when you’re not familiar with how to find the right one, for example, to manage day-to-day tasks with ease.

So yes, our fitness class management software can help you save time – lots of it!


Can the Coacha fitness class management software somehow help me prevent life-changing injuries in my club?

Yes, it can actually, indirectly, that is. Coacha has built-in features which guard every member’s health and safety, even in your absence and with other instructors around. It also limits any margin for medical error which may lead to life-changing injuries in your members. Furthermore, the fitness class management software also provides instant access to vital medical information needed by medics in case of an accident or emergency, as well as information needed at A&E by the receptionist and doctor.

Download the FREE 14-day trial for your fitness class online booking software to explore these intuitive features which can keep everyone in your club safe, and should accidents ever happen (as they do), you never have to worry about what’s going to happen next or lawsuits, for that matter!


Can the fitness class online booking software help me deal with or avoid problems created by other instructors?

Yes it can in a way, and we’re going to be the first ones to admit how frustrating it can be to mitigate and manage these issues!

The Coacha fitness class online booking software can help you avoid instructor-related problems by:

  • Ensuring that each instructor has access to the right information when needed, so that things don’t go south in a “sticky” situation.
  • Allowing your instructors to take time off, where everybody knows when they will be off and returning to work, so that everything is safe and taken care of in their absence.
  • All the digital registers are already in place so that your instructors never have to engage in any ‘back and forth’ when tracking attendance.
  • Handling and access of data from instructor to instructor is seamless – you never have to sit down and explain the entire process again to each instructor.

Despite your best efforts, accidents can happen and people get sued too sometimes! But with Coacha as your fitness class online booking software, you will never have to worry about things cocking up as the required information is always on hand for all your instructors. Everyone’s on the same page, always!


Can the Coacha fitness class online booking software help me deal with professional negligence?

Yes, and again, our fitness class scheduling software does so in an indirect way:

  • By having all the necessary data privacy regulations and laws built-in, it can protect your instructors and other staff members from professional negligence.
  • We’ve heard stories about parents, members and staff members being prosecuted simply because an incident was not recorded correctly and the victim had to go off the hospital casualty report. But with the fitness class scheduling software at your disposal, you can see a clear trail, so if you ever need to present evidence in court to explain your side of the story, it’s there for your lawyer to make your case.
  • There are other ways the Coacha fitness class scheduling software can help you avoid cases of professional negligence. Download the absolutely FREE 14-day trial to get familiar with these features and more.


Can your fitness class scheduling software help me track club performance?

Yes, the Coacha fitness class scheduling software has certain metrics and stats, which can help you spot specific trends as well as patterns directly responsible for:

  • Disappointing and/or dwindling club performances
  • Sinking competitiveness due to members not regularly attending training sessions
  • Ways to improve your team’s prowess through improved training, communication, approaches, etc.

By using our fitness class software, you can get a much better grip on where your classes are currently and where they’re headed, performance-wise.


Can the Coacha fitness class software help me manage attendance more effectively?

Yes, our fitness class software can definitely help you manage attendance a lot more effectively. Here’s how:

  • Ensure fool proof and easy sign in as well as recording of all classes – all accessible in a few taps
  • Provide a holistic view of classes to conduct at any given time – either in the past, present or future
  • Digital registers always at your fingertips so that you can easily add class and member data on the go
  • No need to transfer data back and forth on spreadsheets – everything is there for your instructors through a single point-of-access
  • If members aren’t attending regular classes, you can instantly identify who they are and take the necessary steps

However, Coacha is a lot more than just fitness class software used to manage class attendance more effectively. Find out how it can help you grow your business through some pretty smart and savvy ways: FREE 14-day trial.


Is the Coacha fitness class software “Fitness class scheduling app for free” like many others are on the market?

Coacha is a fitness class scheduling app ‘free to download’ – most fitness class attendance app ‘for free’ are not really “free” in essence because there’s setup fee, contractual fee, or the fee needed to add more members.

So the next time you see a fitness class attendance app (free to use), you should exercise caution as they are rarely free, and even if they are, you can bet they have vital features missing to even qualify as a “class booking system” free to download or use.


I’ve seen a lot of ads for class booking system free (to download) – are they the same as Coacha?

We’ve seen them too and even though they are advertised as class booking system free (to download), they are rarely free. If anything, you can bet the so-called class booking system free (to download) will likely not have the premium features that Coacha offers. Even if a certain class booking system free (to download) manages to come up to the same level as Coacha, you can expect a lot of fees to be added somehow, either through in-app transactions, fee for expanding your business, for cancelling your membership or renewing membership each year, etc.


Where can I find class scheduling software reviews for Coacha?

Most class scheduling software reviews you’ll find online are either biased or overblown to look a certain way. At Coacha, we don’t really need reviews and haven’t submitted our app to any review sites either! But you can check out what our customers are saying here.


How do I find the best online booking system for fitness classes?

That’s easy – since you’re already here, the best online booking system for fitness classes you can find today is Coacha! It’s very easy to use and setting it up is even easier.


How can the “best online booking system for fitness classes” help me grow the business?

Good question and we get this one a lot! Coacha is hailed as one of the “best online booking system for fitness classes” for a mighty fine reason: it makes day-to-day admin a lot easier, which means more time and energy for you to focus on other areas of the business.

But our users call it the “best fitness management software” for another reason too: the way it can help people to grow their businesses. One of the ways Coacha does this is by keeping the lines of communication open between your members and instructors. Not only that, but if you have people under the age of 18 in your classes their parents or NOKs can also login through the FREE Member Portal you get with Coacha and see what’s going on with your classes at any point in time.

Nifty features like these instil trust in your organisation and help to strengthen the relationship with your customers. And, this is just one of the ways our “best fitness management software” can help you grow your business!


I’ve seen the best fitness management software available today offering multiple payment integrations – why does Coacha offer only GC and Stripe?

You may have certainly seen many of the alleged “best fitness management software” available today offering up to almost a dozen or more payment integrations, but ask yourself: how many of these integrations are actually useful and how many of them won’t pass on the transaction charges to you?

These so-called “best fitness management software” market the payment integrations very cleverly, giving you the impression that they care about convenience by offering a plethora of payment options, but you’re almost never told how the transaction fee can rack up quickly and jack up your monthly usage fee!

With us as your “best fitness management software”, however, there’s GoCardless and Stripe only for a very legitimate reason: their best-in-class transaction security and industry-leading rates, which you pay to them directly.

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Fitness Club Management Software – FAQs

What kind of booking features does your fitness club management software offer?

The Coacha fitness club management software offers powerful booking features to help you run your club more effectively.

The Venue Booking feature, for example, which can be found under the Club Settings tab from the main interface, allows your clients to book anything that’s available to book directly from their fitness club management software.

In addition, the 1-2-1 booking feature allows instructors to manage online bookings for both 1-2-1s and private group sessions, using only their fitness club management software. If either instructors or clients need to cancel bookings, or payments need to be made in advance to your gym once a booking has been taken successfully – all can be done conveniently through Coacha.


Do I need to set up Venue Bookings in the fitness club management system first?

The venue bookings feature is in your Club Settings tab which can be accessed from the main interface. From here, you need to find the ‘Enable venue bookings’ section.


Can you help me with setting up Venue Bookings in the fitness club management system?

But, of course! Once you’ve enabled venue bookings from the Club Settings page in your fitness club management system, simply define what clients can book. Give your venue or venues unique names and choose your preferred payment settings. However, if venue bookings are included in your clients’ membership or subscription, then there’s no need to enable this section. Now hit ‘Save’ and you’re done!


Can you explain what the ‘Court Bookings’ section is in the fitness club management system?

Once you enable the venue booking system in your fitness club software, you can create individual timeslots which your clients can conveniently book. A new menu item in the left side will pop up called Court Bookings or whatever name you choose to give it when enabling Venue Bookings – e.g. “Venue” booking, “studio” booking, “gym equipment” booking, and so on.

Now, look for the venue timetable which allows you to set timeslots – it’s all very self-explanatory and easy-to-follow from that point on, but if you need a step by step guide, here it is.


Is it just as easy for my clients to book venues or bookable items through the fitness club software?

Very! They can do this by accessing the fitness club software from their iOS/Android app directly, or a desktop PC or tablet!

After logging into Coacha’s fitness club software, your clients need to find the ‘Book a [name]’ option under the main dashboard, where you set the name in the settings. The next thing to do is to choose a timeslot from the ones you have made available, and add any guests, if they’ll be attending with a family member, relative or friend. Finally, they must choose their payment method and book. However, if their membership already includes venue booking charges, then they need not pay first in order to book.


Can you help me set up 1-2-1 bookings in the fitness club software?

Absolutely! All you need to do is find the instructor profile in your fitness club software for which you want to enable both 1-2-1 bookings and private group sessions, and then manage their timeslots for either kind of booking.

To do this from your fitness management app, just access People from the main dashboard and then click on the desired instructor profile. Go into Timeslot Booking Settings and that’s it – everything else is self-explanatory. If you want, you can even allow instructors to manage timeslots on their own, freeing up more time for you to focus on other areas of your organisation.


Can I change the language in my fitness management app?

Unfortunately, the Coacha fitness management app is available in English only at the moment, but you can definitely change up the terms according to your type of sports organisation. For example:

  • Club = School / Charity / Organisation
  • Coach = Instructor / Teacher / Sensei / Trainer
  • Class = Session / Practice / Training / Rehearsal
  • Member = student / player / athlete / client
  • Member Group = Team / Squad / Student Group


What is the Member Portal and how do I use it?

The free Member Portal included with your fitness management app allows your clients and instructors to login at any time and view the latest happenings in the club. For example, it can be used by your clients to access training sessions timings, book classes and make payments for club services rendered – or it could be used by parents/ NOKs of junior clients to see what kind of events are coming up. It can also be used by instructors to make themselves available during certain timeslots to make session booking really easy through the fitness management app.

As the organisation owner, you will need to setup your login for the Member Portal via email. However, when setting up you can also enable logins to the Member Portal for your members.

This brief but useful guide shows you the individual steps needed to create your Member Portal and use it effectively, in case you need any kind of guidance at all.


I need help with setting up a payment plan – how do I do this from my fitness management software?  

Setting up subscriptions and payment plans in your fitness management system is really very easy, enabling your clients to get automatically billed each month.

From the main navigation, find the ‘Money’ section and then choose ‘Manage Plans’ – this shows you a list of the plans you’ve already set up. Find the ‘Create a new payment plan’ section and fill in all the details. Give your new subscription plan in the fitness management system a name, give it a billing frequency, along with the day/date on which you’d like to collect the subscription.


Can the Coacha fitness management system be used to charge termly payments?

Yes, you can charge termly payments from your fitness management system, if you like. By setting up a GoCardless account with Coacha (or linking an existing GC Account if you already have one), you can set a start and end date for your subscriptions.

After logging into your fitness management system, head over to ‘Money’ and then ‘Manage Plans’. Click on the ‘Termly Payment Plans’ tab and you can select the termly payment. Next, choose a service to take your payments – e.g. GoCardless for fast and convenient bank payments, and direct debit or Stripe for credit card-only payments. Give your plan a name, add the terms and click on ‘Create Plan’. You’re done!

By the way, we’re one of the few fitness membership software who use GoCardless and Stripe in such a way that your admin time chasing late payers can be cut by upto 70%. So there really is no better fitness membership software online transaction tool than these two, especially given their industry-best transaction fee.


Can my clients change their credit card details in the fitness membership software?

Since the Coacha fitness membership software does not store any bank or credit card details (this is all done by our payment processing partners), it’s not possible to change any such information either directly from the fitness membership software’s main interface or through the Member Portal, for that matter.

If any one of your clients need to change their credit card details – for example, when they have a new card or their current one has been lost/stolen – they will need to contact you directly, so that you can cancel their current subscription in the fitness scheduling app. Then you can send them a new payment request and plan payments around their new credit card.


Can my clients cancel payments directly from the fitness scheduling app if they wanted to?

Unfortunately, this is not possible directly through the fitness scheduling app – they need to (again) contact you directly. If you have one, you can enforce any notice period which you likely have in place at time they signed up to your club. You can then cancel their subscription at the first possible opportunity you have.


Can my clients manage their payments directly through the fitness scheduling app?

Oh, yes – this is totally possible! In order to make sure that your clients don’t miss their monthly subscription renewal, they can access the ‘My Payments’ tab from the fitness scheduling app’s main dashboard.

Once there, they can view all their previous and outstanding transactions. It’s got all the information they need to stay on top of their respective subscriptions.


One of my clients wants to export his/her transaction history – can this be done from the fitness scheduling software?

Absolutely – by accessing ‘My Payments’ from the main navigation bar, your clients can see their transaction history and through the ‘Export Your Transactions’ tab on the top-right, they can export their entire transaction history to the selected device.


Is it possible for clients’ parents and/or NOKs to download their child’s data under GDPR?

Yes – from your fitness scheduling software’s main navigation bar, choose ‘Export my Data’ from the quick links. Save the file on your device, and then locate it through Excel. This way, your clients’ parents or their NOKs can view all the information stored in the fitness scheduling software about the child.


Some of my clients are struggling to book onto a class through the fitness scheduling software as they’ve never used it before – can you provide any help with this?


Please note that not all classes are bookable through the fitness scheduling software – for example, you have set some classes as ‘recurring’, or made certain classes bookable to clients in a specific age bracket only.

So, for your clients to book onto a class from the fitness software, they simply need to go to the main navigation bar and find the “Book onto a class” tab from the dropdown menu. This displays a schedule of all the classes which are available as ‘bookable’ to a specific client, according to their respective subscription plan.

Once they have successfully booked onto a class or multiple classes, they’ll be able to see that in the ‘Your Classes’ section of their fitness software.


Can my clients cancel classes themselves from the fitness software or do I have to do this for them?

Your clients can do this themselves from the fitness software – all they need to do is head to ‘Your Classes’ from the main navigation bar and hit ‘Cancel’.


Do I have to assign Member Portal logins to all my clients one by one or can it be done in one go through the fitness software?

Fortunately, you don’t have to do this yourself one by one, especially when your  classes are growing at an impressive pace!

You can actually allow clients to set their own Member Portal logins from the fitness studio booking software. After logging in, go to ‘Your Members’ from the main navigation bar. Click on ‘Set member logins’, at which point, the ‘Send to Everyone’ box will be checked automatically.

However, if you wish to send the login details to a specific class or group only, then uncheck this box, and choose the desired class/group from the dropdown menu – click ‘Add’ and then ‘Send Login Request’.


Can you explain how the Noticeboard feature works in the fitness studio booking software?

Certainly! The Noticeboard feature in your fitness studio booking software allows you to leave notices for clients and instructors as well as any younger clients’ parents and NOKs who may be interested in staying up to date on the latest news. Each time they log into their fitness studio booking software, one of the first things they’ll be greeted with is the Noticeboard – so, it’s a good idea to put all the important news here, such as upcoming events, special offers, any changes to class schedules, etc.

The Noticeboard feature in your fitness studio booking software can be accessed from the main Dashboard, and then ‘Club Noticeboard’. To add a new note, tap or click on ‘Add new’ and to view all your current notices, tap/click ‘View all notes’.

You can even choose if you want the note to be viewable by both clients and instructors or just instructors.

To delete a note from your fitness studio booking system, click on ‘delete’ but please bear in mind that this action cannot be reversed!


I’ve never created bookable classes through a fitness studio booking system – can you show me the steps?

Oh, it’s so easy with the Coacha fitness studio booking system!

Once you have created a class using your fitness studio booking system, you should see a check box at the bottom which reads “Can people book onto this class?” – tick this box and choose the total number of clients who can book onto the class you’ve just created.

*Please note that you have the option to change the language in Coacha so you can rename ‘Classes’ to ‘Practices’ or ‘Sessions’, or ‘Coaches’ to ‘Instructors’ or ‘Trainers’, for example.


Can clients pay for a bookable class on a pay-as-you-go basis?

Oh, definitely! When you set a class as ‘bookable’ in your fitness studio booking system, you will see additional options pop up:

One of these options is ‘pay-as-you-go’, so you just need to check that. Next, you can choose how clients pay you, so if you’re already connected to Stripe or GoCardless, fantastic! It’s a great way to take online payments as we’ve integrated our fitness studio class booking software in the UK (and other supported regions) specifically with these two online payment merchants – superb security all around and some of the best rates you’ll find with any fitness studio management software companies.

Alternatively, if you prefer, you can also ask clients to pay on each billing date in cash. If you look closely under each client’s name, you’ll see: paid or pay. The paid ones are those who have already paid for the session or class using either Stripe or GC. The pay ones are those who have yet to pay. So, to record a cash payment or taken an online payment from these clients, hit ‘pay’ under the respective client’s name. You’ll be presented with a digital receipt which you can save for later.


Is there a way to limit who is able to book onto a ‘bookable’ class via the fitness studio management app?

Yes – you may have classes which you prefer to make available to clients with specific subscriptions only and your fitness studio management app can help you easily make it available to the right people!

After you have created a class and made it bookable, click on the checkbox which says ‘Restrict member Groups’. Proceed to select the groups who can book onto classes through the fitness studio management app. That’s it, you’re all set!


Is there a way to add membership options to my sign up form?

Like most gym and fitness class owners, you probably want prospective clients to choose their membership level at the time of sign-up. Your fitness studio management app conveniently lets you add the desired subscription plans to your club sign up form, so that when a prospective client joins your gym, they can choose their subscription on the spot!

You can enable this feature by logging onto your fitness studio management software and accessing ‘Club Settings’ from the main navigation bar. Then find the ‘Club sign up form’ tab. Look for the section titled “add payment to your sign up form”. Now, you have the option to enable either recurring subscription of one-off payment for your clients.

Choose the subscriptions you’d like the prospective client to see and then click ‘add subscription plan’, which must be clicked on every time you add a different subscription option. Hit ‘Save’ and you’ll see the various subscription options which have been added for your clients to choose from! 


This is the first time I’m using fitness studio management software – can you help me set it up?

Sure we can!

With the Coacha fitness studio management software, you can set up your club in 5 straightforward and easy-to-follow steps. Please refer to this easy-peasy guide to follow the steps.

*Please note that you have the option to change the language in Coacha so you can rename ‘Classes’ to ‘Practices’ or ‘Sessions’, or ‘Coaches’ to ‘Instructors’ or ‘Trainers’, for example.


Can I update my club’s terms and conditions through the fitness studio management software?

Yes, you can and it’s really easy to do so:

Access the main dashboard and select ‘Profile’, then Club Settings, and ‘Signup Form’. Remove your current terms and conditions (which you originally attached at the time of creating the signup form), and then upload the new terms and conditions through ‘Upload a file’.

The next time any of your clients or instructors log into the fitness studio management software, they will be informed that the T&Cs have been updated and that they need to consent to the new ones. They will also get an email notification automatically through the fitness studio software that the T&Cs have been updated, and require their consent.


Are GoCardless (GC) and Stripe the only payment options integrated into the fitness studio software?

If you think about it, GC and Stripe are highly convenient ways of making online payments – while GC integration with your fitness studio software takes care of all the direct debits to be taken in a cardless way, Stripe’s integration takes care of all the debit and credit card payments. So, while you’re using GC to pay us your monthly subscription fee to use Coacha, you can set your clients up by using either Stripe or GoCardless (or both) to pay you their monthly club membership fee and any other payments you wish to take.

But we totally understand if you simply prefer or are used to other methods of payments. The Coacha fitness studio software also has the ability to record cash and bank transfer as well as BACS payments and Standing Order. So, if you wish to use these methods instead of Stripe or GC, go right ahead!


The fitness studio software does not seem to be accepting payments – why is that?

While your fitness studio software does have the ability to work with all well-known debit cards, you do need to have a Current Account set up in order to pay your monthly membership fee for Coacha. However, if you’re still running into problems while trying to use your account with our fitness studio software, please ensure:

  • There are sufficient funds in the account you’re trying to use
  • That you obtain joint permissions if more than one signature is required on your account


Will fitness studio scheduling software help me keep a check on how many people are in the building at any given time?

So long as you, one of your team or your clients themselves check themselves in when they arrive, then yes it will. With Coacha's fitness studio scheduling software comes complete with easy to use attendance registers that are automatically generated when you set your classes up.


I would like only a select group of people to receive email messages – is there a setting in the fitness studio scheduling software I can toggle ‘on’ for this?

There is: From the main navigation bar, click ‘Broadcast’. Now set up Member Groups within your fitness studio scheduling software as this will allow you to target the selected members only, not just through email but also text messaging.


Can clients manage their data themselves through the fitness club membership management software or do I have to do this every time?

For moments like these, the free Member Portal really comes in handy! In your Club Settings, check the ‘Allow Members to Login’ box, and they will be able to view and manage all their personal data by logging in through the fitness studio scheduling software’s Member Portal. It’s perfect in terms of GDPR and the gold standard when it comes to your clients having access and control over their personal data.


What if I’m generally not happy with how things work in your fitness club membership management software – is there a money back guarantee or refund that I can apply for?

We’re not offering money-back guarantees or refunds at the moment, sorry! We believe at Coacha we’re already offering a great price to use the fitness club membership management software, a price which our competitors are finding hard to beat. In fact, most fitness club membership management software providers are making their customers pay through the nose, with hidden fees, commissions, and other charges which they pile on top of the monthly price.

If you feel that our online fitness class booking system is lacking in certain features or you’re generally not happy with it, simply cancel your subscription by navigating to the admin dashboard from within Coacha. You won’t get billed next month and that’ll be that. However, please do leave us some feedback, suggesting which aspects you didn’t like in our fitness studio booking software in the UK (and other supported regions), or how we can make improvements to better live up to your expectations!


Can I see a 1-1 demo of your online fitness class booking system?

Unfortunately, demos of the online fitness class booking system are not possible for now, especially with the sheer amount of clubs coming on board and trying out Coacha for free. However, we have made a really useful video which explains many of the features in depth and answers about 80% of questions new users typically have about our online fitness class booking system!

In the video, you’ll find a tutorial that starts off with the main Dashboard of your online fitness class booking system, taking you through all the sections one by one and explaining their functions – so you can just skip to the relevant bit – so totally worth it, if you can set aside 20 minutes or so to watch the entire thing.

More awesome videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWMW7OCfo1UFnhPA5WkNRTA.


I wanted to give specific levels of access to my instructors and other staff members – can I do that in the online fitness class booking software?

Totally! We thought you might need that feature at some point as a club owner, so yes, you can definitely set different levels of access in the online fitness class booking software for staff. This guide has everything you need to know to assign different levels of access to your instructors.

*Please note that you have the option to change the language in Coacha so you can rename ‘Classes’ to ‘Practices’ or ‘Sessions’, or ‘Coaches’ to ‘Instructors’ or ‘Trainers’, for example.


I really enjoyed the free trial for your online fitness class booking software – is there a way to extend it?

Hey, everybody loves freebies, including us, so no judgement there!

Unfortunately, we’re not really in a position to extend the free 14-day trial for our online fitness class booking software. We’re already offering a ridiculously competitive price to use Coacha as a paid member and honestly feel that 14 days is a reasonable window to see all the features in action – and decide if you want to continue using it as your “go to” online fitness class booking software.


Can I add public and business holidays in my online class booking system so that clients and instructors automatically know the “off days” without me having to chase everyone up with notifications?

Oh, but there is! Staff holidays, public holidays or business closure days can all be added to your regular dates and times of operation, so that the scheduled activities in your online class booking system are only bookable on the business or working days.

Just set the days/dates in your online class booking system calendar using your main web-based Coacha login, and that’s it. Not sure how to do this? No problem – you can submit a ticket directly from your online class booking system and we’d be happy to walk you through it step by step.


What kind of child safety and security features are built into your online class booking system?

The NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport Unit (CPSU) guidelines have been integrated into our online class booking system, meaning that your junior clients cannot be contacted individually through Coacha. Furthermore, any communications with young or underage clients go through a complex set of rules which mostly includes copying in the club’s Safeguarding Officer. It’s added peace of mind for any concerned parent or guardian!

Additionally, GDPR best practices are at the heart of our online class booking system – you’ll never spend any time wondering or worrying about how we’re storing, processing or handling your personal data. Plus, cutting-edge SSL encryption in all of our servers worldwide ensures that your private data never ends up in the wrong hands.

With the above said, we highly recommend having your own procedures and policies in place for GDPR and data security. The Coacha online class booking system (free to try for 14 days) can certainly help you with GDPR compliance as it covers approximately 70-80% of the tasks you may need to complete when getting GDPR compliant– e.g. The Right to Access, The Right to Erasure, The Right to be Forgotten, and so on.


Since the Coacha online class booking system (free to download) integrates with GoCardless (GC) and Stripe only, do I have to pay a transaction fee when using either service?

As with all platforms like Coacha, you will always pay transaction fees for using a payment gateway such as these. 


I’ve never used GC or Stripe with an online class booking system (free to download) like Coacha – can you explain how it all works?

Absolutely – to take payments from your members for using the Coacha online class booking system (free to try initially), you can take card payments (credit or debit card) through Stripe, and if you wish to take direct debits from your members, you need to use GoCardless. You can use both if you want to. 

For paying your subscription to our online class booking system in the UK, you need to use GoCardless. Setting up a GC account is really easy too!


Do each one of my clients and/or instructors need to have a separate or dedicated account in the online class booking system in the UK (and other areas of operation)?

Neither your clients nor your instructors need to create an account. All they need to do is log into their online class booking system in the UK (or other supported regions) and find the Member Portal – 99% of clubs offer this functionality when giving their staff members and clients access to an online class booking software, and so does Coacha!


Is there an option to import individual members and several members in one go?

Yes, there is – after logging into your online class booking software, go to the ‘People’ section from the main interface to add individual members. Under the same section of your online class booking software, you’re going to find a ‘Mass Import’ option where you can import several members in one go through an Excel sheet.


Do I have to stay online all the time in order to use the ‘online’ class booking software?

Even though the Coacha online class booking software does not require you to be online all the time, by running it offline, you won’t be able to use many of the brilliant features – features that can really help you up productivity, cut down admin time by half and communicate with clients and instructors in a very efficient way.

So, we’d honestly recommend keeping your online booking system for fitness classes “online” as much as possible, but let’s say you don’t want to be bothered for a while or won’t have access to the internet in a specific area, then you can certainly use it offline but (again) with limited functionality.


If I need to take a break from using the online booking system for fitness classes, can I cancel or suspend my subscription? Are there any charges associated with this?

If you need a break from your online booking system for fitness classes, just go into your main control panel and suspend your subscription. The way it works is that you will continue using Coacha for the rest of the month or the number of days left on your paid subscription. When it’s time to renew, your subscription will simply be suspended. Once you’re ready to dive back into your online booking system for fitness classes, everything will be there just the way you left it!


What happens to my data while I’m not using the online booking system for fitness classes?

If you decide to take a break from using your gym class booking software, then your data remains safe in our ultra-secure servers.


I wanted to create a custom emailing list in my gym class booking software – is it possible to send email messages to a select group of clients?

Yes – your gym class booking software allows you to target specific clients, and not just through emails but texts too. From the main menu, select ‘Broadcast’ from the top left-hand side, set up Member Groups and that’s it. Now, only clients who are a part of the Member Group in your gym class booking software will receive emails and/or text messages from you.


What are the SMS messaging charges in the gym class booking software?

The SMS messaging charges in the gym class booking software are the same as Textlocal – so this is anywhere between 4p and 5.5p, depending on the number of SMS messages you buy. Then, the number of characters you type in your text message will dictate how many individual text credits are used for each message you send.

For example, if your message has up to 160 characters, you will be charged for a single text message. If it’s higher, then 2 messages or if it’s over 360 characters, then 3 messages, and so on.


I’m concerned about my child’s safety during email and SMS communication through the gym class booking app – are there security measures in place to protect their identity and the details of the communication?

Yes, we take child security very seriously here at Coacha and our gym class booking app has the UK’s latest CPSU (Child Protection in Sport Unit) guidelines integrated – which are considered best in class to help safeguard your child’s identity. You can read more about the CPSU here.


Can members manage their own data in the gym class booking software or do I have to manage it for them every time?

Your gym class booking app comes with the option to allow members to manage their data on their own – whatever you choose to make accessible to them, that is.

When you sign up for a free trial of the gym class booking app, you automatically get a free Member Portal, and by selecting the ‘Allow Members to Login’ option in your Club Settings (accessible from the main dashboard), your clients can access the personal data you have on them. The best part? It’s all done in a GDPR-compliant way, so it’s the gold standard for your clients having control of their data.


Does the Coacha gym class booking app require me to have a website in order to work correctly?

There’s no website required as such – your gym booking system includes a FREE Member Portal which your clients can use to login and view information on your club, class schedules, up and coming events, etc. just like they would on your website. So effectively, having a Member Portal means that you don’t really need a website!


Is my personal information backed up automatically in the gym booking system?

We back up each subscriber’s information regularly in our gym booking system servers located across the world, so that there’s no loss of data should any issues occur with the Coacha gym booking system software. However, we should point out that backing up individual organisations data is not something we do, and as such, each organisation owner should have their own back processes in place as part of their GDPR procedures.


Are there any additional charges for using the gym booking system apart from the monthly fee?

Unlike what most other fitness course scheduling software providers, we don’t have any hidden fees. The only extra fees you will pay are for text messages, if you want to text your members, and transaction fees if you want to take money from your members. These are all outlined on our pricing pages.


Can Coacha be used as fitness CRM software?

While we haven’t built Coacha to function as fitness CRM software, you can certainly export client information from it to your favourite CRM software in an easy and convenient way.


Why isn’t Coacha a free fitness class booking app?

Good question!

First off, the vast majority of software providers advertising their product as a ‘free fitness class booking app’ almost always find a way to sneak in charges somewhere down the line, and often at times, soon after you download the “free” fitness class booking app.

Secondly, the free fitness class booking app you find online which are truly “free” no matter what, do not offer the features and functionalities that a premium piece of software like Coacha does.

As for us, we always keep things very transparent and straightforward: Coacha is definitely a free fitness class booking app to use for the first 14 days only. It’s also a free fitness class booking app when you download it, because many providers will charge you a small fee to download and try out their software.

With the 14-day trial and super-competitive monthly price, we’re sure you’ll get your money’s worth and, hopefully, won’t mind Coacha not being a free fitness class booking app!


How do I identify the good fitness software companies from the bad ones?

A good rule of thumb to remember is this: If your fitness software company does not have a legitimate website where you can find customer testimonials, up-to-date contact information including a registered company address or a detailed FAQ section, for instance, then you’re better off not downloading their product or giving away personal information just to try it!

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Membership Management Apps & Software for any type of club, organisation or society.

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© Copyright Coacha Software Ltd (2014 – present day)

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Coacha has saved us so much time and improved our interaction with new and current customers. Since we started using Coacha the system has been upgraded so many times with fantastic new features. The customer service is fantastic, and we wouldn't be without the system!

Clare Company Director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Coacha is a must for our gym. Very pleased. Recommend Coacha to all gym owners. Easy to use and navigate. Manages all our CRM needs. Great team ready and willing to support.

Jon Owner Head Coach in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic software for all your administrative needs. The fact that all admin tasks are on one platform - previously we had accounting software, invoicing applications, google documents for storing athlete information and registers. Coacha allows you to fulfil all of your usual administrative tasks in one place and allows athletes/parents to view the information as easily as staff.

Alex Program Director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

I wouldn’t use anything else you can use every feature on it & it’s so easy to work. If it wasn’t for this App, I would be doing hours & hours of admin. So, I’m thankful to have found this app!

Hannah Dance teacher in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Easy implementation, streamlined administration, fabulous support, advice, and online help. Cost effective solution with great infrastructure and a friendly team. Highly recommended for club management solution.

Jillian Business Manager in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

We switched over from another system - EVERYTHING is easier! So functional. The staff like it as do the parents. The admin are very quick to respond too.

Hannah Owner & Head Coach in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic customer service and is a fab asset to our club. Easy to use, saves me time and stress! It also feels safe storing medical and co tact details.

Laura Lead director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic Software for Dance Schools! Monthly subscriptions have been a game changer for our business, far less admin time required compared to previous system and the reports have been really useful. Looking forward to working with the system further to develop our dance school!

Arlene Studio Owner & Administrator in UK Health, Wellness & Fitness - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Excellent, affordable, clean. Coacha is very user-friendly, clean and professional with good customisation options. I don't think there's much that can be improved.

Ashton Director in UK Performing Arts - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Great support and easy to use system. Very happy so far. Has made administration so much easier than with our previous system (and something that I look forward to rather than dread!). The overall feel of the system is very 'clean', easy to sign onto, navigate and use

Laura Owner/Partner in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

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