Easy to set up & use Football Club software with FREE apps

Save time & money and organise your members, staff and events. Store data securely, get a full Booking System and Store Front, and ensure you always get paid on time. FREE Apps, a Member Portal, Website Integration, Attendance Registers and Advanced Safeguarding tools all come with Coacha too. It's also GDPR compliant and constantly updated with new feature sets at no extra charge.

Plus much, much more.

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Streamlined and efficient

Where to start? First of all, the ease of use and simplicity of this software means even the non-computer savvy user can easily work this software. The sign-up form contains all of the questions you need, and you can add more. The payment system was setup with ease … a timesaver for the clubs treasurer. All of my coaches have access to the details they need, and nothing more which keeps it even simpler for them. If you have a club that has membership fees and want to jump into the 21st century, then Coacha is exactly what you need.

Mark Jackson – Darlington Spraire Lads & Lasses Football Club - review on Capterra & Coacha subscriber

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Get paid on time, every time

Getting paid for your hard work has never been simpler. Take rolling subscriptions / membership fees as well as one-off payments, for things like uniforms and competitions. Coacha’s payment partners Stripe & GoCardless are the cheapest in the market.

football subs app

Medical info always to hand

Your players are a tough bunch, but accidents do happen. When they do, Coacha ensures people’s medial & emergency info is to hand immediately. You save precious time that in extreme cases can prevent live changing injuries and even save lives.

soccer club management software

Unlimited Sessions & automatic registers

No need to print off and carry around those heavy paper registers; Coacha will automatically create digital ones for each session that you add. Then, when you or your coaches login via the web or our mobile apps, they'll be there waiting for you, ready to use.

soccer club software
Unlimited members!

Member profiles give you everything you need to know about your members within a few clicks. From contact details, to notes on their performance. More importantly, we don't limit the amount of members you have in your account!

soccer club software
Add people quickly and easily

With Coacha, you can mass import your members, add them one at a time, or get them to sign up through your club's signup form. Super easy!

soccer software

Email and SMS broadcasts

Over 90% of SMS messages get opened and read. Reduce the ‘I never got the message’ excuse from parents, members and coaches. With CPSU guidelines built in Coacha helps enhance your safeguarding and child protection obligations.

soccer team management app

Report illnesses & Absence

Self-Reporting of illnesses enables you to keep a real time view of who's unwell. Being linked to your dashboard this valuable data means you can quickly replace people at an event or session in just a few clicks

soccer team management software

Manage your coaches, staff & helpers

Your team of coaches, parents or helpers also need to be looked after. With Coacha, you can easily manage levels of access and staff information.

football club administration software

VERY easy set up with 'mass member import'

Have all your data in spreadsheets? Superb - with Coacha's 'mass import', you can add your existing list of members in just a few clicks - setting up Coacha really is a breeze.

football club management system
Member Portal with parent or NOK logins

If you enable the option, you get your own FREE bespoke 'Member Portal'. This allows younger members' parents to log in and see their children's info. Your adult members get their own login too.

football club management system

'Bookable’ items & venues

Let your members book things like pitches, equipment, training spaces / facilities or venues. You can even Programme slots to have a Clean Down Time’ between each booking.

football club management system
Child protection built-in as standard

We believe that software should help to protect children from unwanted messaging. We have built-in automatic features that include copying NOKs or parents in on messages, plus much more.

Embed Coacha on websites

With a simple bit of code you can display info from Coacha on your own website. All it takes is an iFrame and you’re good to go. Let members and non-members alike see sessions and events, and book directly from your own website.

No website? No worries! 

With Coacha, we can host your Public Pages for you. No extra cost, no hidden surprises, just completely free webpages. Get your classes, sessions, events, courses, membership sign up, and more, all on the web – no web programming necessary!

Availability & selection

Check people's availability by inviting the members you want and watch their responses come in. Coacha will then notify the people you select so you'll always have a full team, squad or event.

Like what you see so far?

Then why not save time, stress and money, as well as simplify your admin at the same time?

We don't charge you more if you grow!

If your club expands, some organisations will charge you more in subscription fees. At Coacha, the no.1 football club management software, we don't believe you should pay more for putting in the work and growing your club. So, whether you've just recently started off with 20 people, or are an established club with 100+, you will always pay one very reasonable, fixed price. 

No fixed term contracts - cancel any time

While we're confident you'll love Coacha as much as we do, it's good to know you can cancel at any time. You pay us on a monthly basis – just like with Netflix. And, just like with Netflix, you're free to cancel your subscription with us at any time.
gymnastics studio software

iOS & Android Apps mean you are always connected at your Football Club

Never be caught without the right information again as Coacha has dedicated Apps for both Android and Apple iOS. Designed for you, your staff and your members / parents, they work on mobiles and tablets such as iPads.

iOS iPhone and iPad

Our iOS App works on all current Apple devices and gives your team and members the key information they quickly and conveniently.

Google Android 

The Android App has proven to be as popular as the iOS App. Now everyone is catered for meaning your life will get easier and less stressful!

Add your logo & colours to Coacha

Would you like to be able to fully brand Coacha with your own logo and colours so it looks like Coacha is yours? And have Apps and a Member Portal that look like they are yours too? Well, now you can with the Coacha Custom Plan! 

Plus, the ability to send invoices, personalise system emails, turn features on and off and have your own dedicated Account Manager. 

Designed to make your life as a football coach easier ...

With years of coaching experience, our co-founders understand what it takes to manage parents, sessions and money. That's what has enabled us to create Coacha; a football club manager designed to help you focus on the things you love - teaching and training. With a simple but powerful interface that cuts admin time in half, keeps all of your players' details to hand no matter where you are, and is proven to minimise missed payments, Coacha is the perfect solution for streamlining your day-to-day football club management.

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Got a few minutes to check out our  Coacha Demo Video?

Our boffins have produced a demo video which helps with about 80% of people’s commonly asked questions. It starts with the ‘Dashboard’ top left in Coacha then takes you through all of the sections. Watch the whole thing or just skip to any relevant bit you want to explore.

Sell Products Online with 'Custom Store'*

Sell online using this additional new feature set that is included with the Coacha Custom Plan. With the ability to sell unlimited items, you can quickly and easily sell products, kit, holiday camps, awards, and much more besides. 

Keep everything under one roof and save money on expensive online store and eCommerce transaction fees.  No cross referencing different software. No inconvenient multiple logins for your members and parents. Quickly see whose ordered what, and when, and how much they’ve spent.

Coacha is renowned for being intuitive and easy to use and our team of designers, developers and UI experts have made it almost child’s play to use the Store feature.

(* included in Coacha's FREE 14 day trial, then available as part of the Coacha Custom Payment Plan).

Don’t take our word for it. Take theirs

Football club management software & football club management system  FAQs

Finding the right football team management software for your club can be tricky. There are so many different systems/apps that it usually takes weeks of research to narrow down the right one. Here are some of the most common questions we get asked around football club software.

What are the limits with Coacha's

football team management software?

There really are no limits. You have unlimited everything with Coacha. Members, coaches, sessions, registers, subscription plans, email…the full works!

The only thing you pay extra for are text messages. And these are as low as anyone else in the market at 4.5p per text message.


Is a football club management app easy for members & parents to use?

If you want members and parents to login to Coacha, then yes, your own bespoke ‘Member’s Portal’ is very easy to use. It has been painstakingly designed to be really easy to use, so there’s no excuse for people not to login!

Great for them, time saving for you, and having football software with your own logo on it really makes your football club look professional and well organised.

What’s more, members get to see all the personal info you have on them and they can update and/or download it if they want (great for your club’s GFPR compliance!)

There are also FREE Andriod and iOS apps  available for everyone to use too. What’s not to like?


If I do my football club management online, will it help with my accounts?

Absolutely, as it keeps everything digital and streamlined. You can see whose has paid you what, when and how. Plus, you can keep a very close eye on how much money your football club is taking. And if it is losing anything from your people not paying you.

What’s more, accountants love it when people like you do their football club management online as they can download from and integrate your football club’s financials to the software that they use. Software like Xero, Quickbooks or Sage to name but a few all help with making tax digital (MTD)  .


Do I need a card reader to take payments if I do my football club management online or use a football club management app?

No, you don’t. Do away with the expense and hassle of terminals and readers. You can take card payments through Stripe and direct debits through GoCardless. Need a member to pay for a T-shirt or kit? You can send them a one-off payment request by email or take a payment right there in front of them using the Coacha interface. Not having a card reader not only reduces your costs but simplifies your online billing processes straight away. It also makes your football club look professional and well organised.


What happens if payments fail?

Let’s face it, payments do sometimes fail and for various reasons. Only the best football club software has a payment retry process, especially one that retries up to four times.  Whether a bank error, a cancelled payment or just insufficient funds, having a robust subscription management system means you can simply ‘set and forget’ freeing you to get on with tasks that are more enjoyable than admin! You can choose to be notified that a payment has failed and is being retried, or just set Coacha so that you’re notified when the last attempt has failed. Just think of the amount of time this will save you with chasing people for money they owe you…


Does a football club management app help me if I have an emergency?

When looking for the football club management app for your football club, choose something where you will always have Emergency Information to hand. It is essential you make sure you have emergency contact info available, as well as medical notes for all of your members.

Also, make sure that whatever football software you go for it has the ability to work ‘offline’ for when you don’t have mobile internet access or a decent wifi signal. Coacha’s apps are designed to work without internet access and will automatically synch with Coacha the minute you get internet access again.


What stats and figures can I get from football club software?

Performance, attendance, and financial data are crucial for any football club that wants to stay at the top of their game. The best football club management system should show you instantly your member attendance levels and who’s been putting the work in, and equally as much, who hasn’t.

It should also give you easy access to your headline financial info whether for the last week, month or whole year. Quick access like this means quick decisions can be made and you’ll always be in control of the money in your club.


With football club management software I’m told I still need to comply with GDPR – will it help?

Any organisation that collects personal data must comply with GDPR legislation, and that includes football clubs. The very fact that you choose to use football club management software itself will show that you have data protection built into the running of your club.

A bespoke ‘Member Portal’ such as those you get free with Coacha enable people to access the personal data you hold on them. A football club management system with this functionality will also give your users the ability to edit and download their data if they want to. This type of advanced functionality really is the gold standard of GDPR compliance.

Want to really get to grips with GDPR, why it’s important and what you should be doing to keep your club compliant? If you do then download our FREE GDPR in sports guide which not only explains GDPR but also gives you practical tips you can implement immediately.


Can I get free attendance registers too?

When you do your football club management online you simply must have automatically generated attendance registers. Having these automatically produced for you saves both time and hassle with your football club’s admin. They should be 100% free too and not an add on or upgrade feature.

You should be able to quickly add members in, set up your sessions and hey presto, your registers are automatically created. When you, your coaches or your members log in, they get to see what's on straight away. This is an essential factor to look for in any football club software.

Coacha’s advanced attendance register features mean that you can enable sessions that people can book straight on to without coming to you first. On the day of the session itself they can also check themselves again without tying up any of your staff’s time.


Can people book on to sessions themselves?

Not all football club management apps or software allows members to book on to sessions directly themselves. However, by enabling ‘make class bookable’ in Coacha you can reduce your time on admin and speed up the way in which your members can register for sessions.

Great if you run open sessions that people can book onto if they want to attend, and with setting a session size you can ensure that your sessions are never over-subscribed. Your members can simply log into your Member Portal and book up in just a few taps or clicks.


I only operate during term time – does this matter?

Many football clubs have term time/seasonal sessions. The best football club management system should give you the ability to have start and end dates for your sessions as opposed to just weekly or monthly options.

With unlimited sessions and registers, Coacha is perfect for setting start / end periods to whatever you want. Great for school term-based sessions as well as events such as one off competitions, or showcases or exhibitions.


I get people turn up unexpectedly to my sessions – how can I add these people?

It happens. People turn up unexpectedly to a session or event and you know that you need to collect some of their personal details just so they can join in. Some football club management software doesn’t cater for this in a way that is quick and easy to sort out on the day.

With Coacha’s football club management software (free for 14 days), you can avoid delays when extra people turn up unexpectedly. Quickly add them to the attendance register without having to mess around with the app settings or add a full new member. Then, after the session , you can go back and add more of their details in when you have more time.


Does football team management software (free or paid for) help with safeguarding children?

When performing a football team management software comparison make sure that whatever you choose helps with safeguarding children. Make sure you are able to segment the children’s information so that only specific staff are able to see their personal information.

Coacha lets you set different levels of access as you don’t want people seeing the wrong data. The messaging centre also has NPSCC CPSU text and email rules built in so that people are unable to contact children directly without other’s being copied in. This can include other members, staff, parents and even your safeguarding officer.


Can I send text messages to people using football team management software?

Check out independent football software reviews and always make sure that any software or app that you use only partners with industry leading SMS specialists. Coacha partners with the best SMS service in the UK - TextLocal. You'll enjoy amazing rates, quick delivery and accurate reporting. No need to use your mobile text allowance again!


I only want to message specific people. Can I do this with football club software?

Being able to select and control who receives your messages from your football software is very important. You really don’t want to bombard people with messages not relevant to them.

As part of your football club management system, Coacha enables you to customise who you send your messages to with ease. Send to just your coaches, members of a certain session , to a specific group, or to everyone ... you're in total control.

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Football Club Management Software FAQs – Part II

What is Coacha and how does it help football coaches and teams?

Coacha is a football team management app, which makes it really easy to manage your football club, ensuring that everyone in your team is always on the same page.

The Coacha football team management app makes life really easy for football club coaches, administrators, volunteers, etc. by offering a single integrated solution. From getting membership fees on time to adding or removing players from your sessions, Coacha – often called a football subs app – is a one-stop solution for all your admin and team management needs.


Can I try out the Coacha football subs app before I buy?

Absolutely! Our soccer club management software comes with a 14-day free trial, which gives you a chance to try out all the features. If you like it, you just need to pay a monthly subscription fee to carry on using the Coacha soccer team management software.

You can find more details on pricing on this  page .


How does pricing work for the Coacha soccer team management software – e.g. do I need to pay for the other members as well?

The  pricing  page indicates the monthly fee you’ll need to pay according to your region. And the great thing about using our soccer club software is that only you pay the monthly fee! You can add as many members as you like, send them notices, texts and emails – at no additional cost whatsoever!


Does the Coacha soccer club software require any registration fee?

No – our football software has recurring billing, which means you pay on a monthly basis only. There are no hidden additional charges for using the Coacha soccer management software. The only additional fees are for taking out money (via Stripe or GoCardless) or sending text messages.


How are payments processed when members pay online?

The Coacha soccer software comes integrated with GoCardless for direct debits and Stripe for credit card payments.

When members pay using their respective Coacha soccer team management app accounts, the fees will automatically be credited to your account and you’ll instantly get notifications. If a member is late on fees, you can also set up the soccer team management app to send reminders. If any payments fail, Coacha will automatically retry three times, and then notify you if the final request fails too.


I value my privacy – is the Coacha soccer software GDPR-compliant?

Yes, as you should!

And yes, the Coacha soccer software is indeed GDPR complaint. We take stringent measures to ensure that your personal information is never shared with any third parties without your consent. We manage your information while complying with the latest GDPR laws.


What if I have questions about Coacha’s features or need help setting it up?

There’s a dedicated 24/7 support team for our soccer software, who is always friendly and ready to assist in any way possible.


I want to change my account details or the details of my team members – how do I do this?

There are options on the main interface, allowing you to make changes to account and team member details. But if you need any help with this feature of our winning soccer team management app, then please don’t hesitate to contact our  support team.


Is there a limit to add players and do they pay separately to use the soccer team management app?

Absolutely not! You can add as many players to your soccer club as you like, and only you will always pay the same monthly subscription charge.


I invited a player to join a session on my Coacha soccer team management software, but they can’t seem to login. Can you help?

Absolutely! Our support team is available 24/7 throughout the year to help you with any technical issues.

It’s quite likely that your member has entered incorrect credentials in their soccer management software to login. Please confirm if they wrote down the login and password correctly at the time of creating one. If a member needs any help resetting their password, they can simply click the ‘Reset Password’ option on the login page.


What if my team details are wrong or I need to change them?

Our soccer management software offers easy options accessible from the main interface to let you change team details. Each member has access to their Member Profile page where they can make the necessary changes. In any case, our friendly and helpful team is available to offer assistance.


I’m a parent but I can’t access my child’s account. Why is this?

The main reason you can’t access the Coacha soccer management software to view your child’s account is that the club owner hasn’t ‘Enabled Member Login’ in their club settings. Also, sometimes it’s because we don’t have a valid email address in our system belonging specifically to you.

Please ask your child’s coach or team administrator to to resolve these issues, so that you can book your child to sessions, pay fees, see attendance info, download receipts, and more.

The Coacha soccer club software makes it really easy for parents to stay in the loop!


Can I add people in to Coacha if they are assistant coaches or managers that are a part of the team?

Yes, we do need you to ensure that ALL officials of your team who are actively playing a role in the team’s management, are registered in our soccer club software. They can be added as players as well as coaches or admins.


Can I accept cheques as payment for club registration, uniforms, apparel, etc.?

Not directly, no. However, you can record a ‘cash payment’ in the virtual cash tin, making a note that the payment was actually a cheque. The Coacha soccer club management software is integrated with GoCardless and Stripe, and most people are happy to use these. This helps clubs to move away from accepting cheques as payment.

However, if there’s a payment method that you’d very much like added to our soccer club management software, then please let us know.


What is the best soccer club management software available?

While many will argue that there are a number of good team management apps like LoveAdmin, Teamer, Pitchhero, Teamsnap (and many more), when it comes to the best football subs app, nothing quite beats the innovative features Coacha has! Nor the fact that we keep prices low so that you can keep money where it belongs – in your club!

Our football subs app makes it really, really simple to see all your team related details, communicate with your team or any member on the fly, and ensure that everyone is on the same page – always! You can learn more Coacha’s features  here .


Can I get football club management software free?

If you’re after a football club management software free download, then why not try Coacha Lite which is completely FREE Membership Management Software?

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Football Club Management Software – FAQs (Part III)

What benefits am I missing out on by not using your football team management app?

Quite a few actually! People who are using the Coacha football team management app are benefitting in several key ways – for example:

A new level of agility in how information is managed for decision making purpose – i.e. through statistics, player reports, general reports, etc. Thanks to insights gained from the football team management app, club owners can save time, money and effort when acquiring the necessary information in order to make well-informed decisions and see their club grow.

There’s also no loss of information every time a staff member leaves or old members decide to part ways. The information remains safe and intact in our football club management app’s secure servers, although we do delete it permanently if you specifically instruct us not to so do (after staff members or clients leave) and you stop using Coacha for some reason.

There’s also smooth and open lines of communication between you, your staff members and clients, so you are always in control and up-to-date on the ‘current situation’ within your club.

Finally, the level of accessibility available in the Coacha football club management app is unparalleled – it can be accessed from any mobile, handheld or desktop-based device.


Can I get a free demo to see how the football club management online platform works before I start paying monthly?

Unfortunately, we don’t offer demos for our football club management software, because you get something even better for your time and interest: a completely FREE 14-day trial to check out the full suite of features!


I’ve never ever used a football club management system like Coacha, in fact, I’m not even computer savvy. Will I experience any issues learning to use your football club management system?

Not at all! We get this question a lot and we pretty much provide the same standard response every time: our football club management system is super-easy to learn and use for users of all ages. So easy, in fact, that a primary schooler can set it up within minutes.


Does the Coacha football club software support rolling fee collection only or also one-off payments?

We’re delighted to report that our football management software supports both!


Is Coacha a football subs app because for now I need to use it only to manage subscriptions and collect fees?

It’s entirely up to you how you want to use the football team management software – so for now, if that’s to manage member subscriptions and collect fee, then yes, you can call it a football subs app. But again, it’s much, much more than a football subs app because it helps you manage so many aspects of your club from the palm of your hand.

For a complete features breakdown of our football team management software, please have a read.


Are email and text messages both completely free in your football team management software?

While you get an unlimited number of email messages completely free, text messages are also unlimited but we’ll charge you 4.5-5.5p per message, which is as low as any other soccer club management software available right now, if not lower.


Does your soccer club management software give members the option to book items, equipment or venues?

Yes! There’s a Venue Bookings option which you’ll find in the ‘Club Settings’ tab from within the soccer club management software, allowing your members to book training grounds or venues, areas in your training facility, soccer equipment, etc.


What is the Member Portal option in your soccer club management software?

If you enable this option in your soccer club software, you will get your own bespoke Member Portal completely free. This allows parents and or NOKs of younger players to log in and see their children’s info, in addition to what’s going on in the club. Adult members registered to use the soccer club software will also get their own login, meaning they can use the Members Portal to login from any device with a browser and internet connection. People can also gain access to the Coacha soccer club software, by downloading either our Android or iOS App.


What kind of child protection is there in your football organising app?

The Coacha football organising app has built-in child protection which is built around the NSPCC’s CPSU guidelines. This means members can only be contacted if they are over a certain age. Furthermore, underage members cannot be contact directly and only their parents or NOKs are communicated with from within the football organising app.


If my club starts to grow, will I be charged more to continue using the football organising app?

Absolutely not! No matter how much you expand and grow, the monthly charges you pay to use Coacha's football organising app remainethe same irrespective of how large you get.


Can I cancel membership to the soccer team management app at any time? Are there any charges involved?

You can stop using the soccer team management app at any time you deem feasible and, no, there are no cancellation charges at all because our soccer team management app is available to use on a pay-as-you-go basis only.


Do I absolutely need to use soccer team management software? Why can’t I just put everything down in a register or my computer? Won’t that be easier?

You can always bypass using soccer team management software and instead rely on pen and paper or your computer, but consider this for a moment: most football clubs today have evolved into complex organisations, where there is a lot of decision making going on – this requires access to key information across all levels.

Now, let’s say a new sports director is appointed to manage the club – they will need to start all the work related to player analysis, coordination, work methodologies and strategies, sports management, and medical/facilities management from scratch. Even though the sport director will be very thorough, efficient and professional in acquiring all key information (for decision making), if none of this is reflected at the end of the season, or say, the sports director leaves, then the next person will again have to start over.

With soccer team management software, everything is on record and accessible within seconds, making management and administration of the football club super-easy and time-efficient.


Does the Coacha soccer software have any COVID19-safety features?

Yes, quite a few, actually!

The self-reporting feature in our soccer software, for instance, allows members to report if they are affected by COVID-19 or going into self-quarantine through your bespoke Member Portal. You’ll get an immediate notification through the soccer software, which means you’ll be able to act quickly too.

Another COVID-safety feature in our soccer management software is the Track and Trace feature which lets you see at a glance who has been in contact with who, and whether someone has been affected by the virus in any way.

There’s also the Bookable items and venues feature in the soccer management software which means you can programme bookable slots in order to have ‘COVID clean down time’ between each booking.


Does Coacha help coaches or instructors conduct 1-to-1 sessions?

Yes, our soccer management software offers a variety of useful features to help your coaches conduct 1-to-1 private sessions. You can read about them here.

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Football Management App – FAQs, Part III

Do I absolutely need a football management app? What are the consequences of not using one?

Well, you could always manage your club without the aid of football management apps, but you could potentially miss out on a lot by not using one. For example:

  • The ability to access every member’s details no matter where you are.
  • Having all crucial member details to view anywhere, whether for your club management or a medical emergency.
  • No paperwork or registers as everything is accessible from within the football management apps, giving everyone a single point of access, from you and your coaches to players and their parents/NOKs.
  • Effortlessly schedule classes and ensure that everyone is aware of those schedules or any changes to them.
  • An easy way for players to sign up and register with your club, making your business look professional, while also helping you build trust and credibility with your target base.


Is Coacha in the same category as “football apps for free”?

Coacha is certainly among the football apps ‘free to download’ category, but you do need to pay to use it once the free 14-day trial is over.


I’ve used a free app for football recently which I liked but Coacha seems to have better features – is it free to use too?

While the premium version of Coacha requires a monthly payment, Coacha Lite is a completely free app for football which you can try today, although you won’t find the same premium features. 


Does Coacha have the same features as free football apps?

Even better! Coacha is way ahead of the curve, compared to the vast majority of free football apps available today. Take a FREE 14-day trial to see what we mean!


Why can’t I use Coacha like a free football app?

Well, there’s a couple of reasons for this:

  • Even though we do offer a free football app called Coacha Lite, we always encourage everyone to try the premium version as it offers some amazing features for almost a fraction of what you would pay to access the same features in any other well-known/mainstream football coach app.
  • In order to keep adding great features to our football coach app, we too need to stay in business just like you, hence the really competitive monthly fee.
  • Most football coaching apps that you see for free aren’t really free to be honest – they always find a way to sneak in charges for this or that.


Can a football coaching app help me grow my business?

Well, by definition, football coaching apps are not designed to help businesses grow but here’s an interesting fact: football coach apps like Coacha help organisations like yours passively grow – by welcoming players with an easy registration process and allowing them to communicate with you in just a few taps, for instance. When people see how reliable you are as an organisation and how easy it is to approach you, your business will start to expand – perhaps faster than you had anticipated!

By using football coach apps like Coacha, you can not only grow your business but also have more time, energy and resources to focus on other growth areas, such as sales, marketing and customer service.


Most apps for football coaches are either very complicated to setup or demand a gradual learning curve – is Coacha the same?

It’s unfortunate how most apps for football coaches make their users go through a steep learning curve – Coacha, on the other hand, is all about ease-of-use and user-friendliness. It’s super-duper easy to setup and even easier to use.


Can Coacha be used for football pitch booking or venue booking?

Oh, absolutely! Coacha can be used for a lot more than just football pitch booking, allowing players to book everything from pitches and training halls, through to equipment and physios. If it’s bookable, then you can set it up to be booked through Coacha! 

This guide has everything you need to know about booking venues through your football team app.


The football team app I was previously using was far too expensive and I had to stop using it – is Coacha just as expensive?

We totally understand this – after all, you’re in the business of not just producing skilled football players but also growing and profiting as a business. We assure you that our football team app offers one of the lowest rates, compared to even the top-tier football team apps available today the same fantastic features but you pay practically a fraction of the price. Coacha has actually saved clubs several thousands of pounds a year, so why don’t you see if we can do the same for you?


Football team apps that I’ve used in the past either lack the features I need or simply have far too many features that I won’t ever need to use – is Coacha on the same level as these other football team apps?

We understand how frustrating this can be. Most football team apps offer features which you may not need, or they don’t have enough features, or they force you to pay extra to use the full suite of features.

However, Coacha is one of those football team apps where we did a lot of careful and meticulous research into the features that would fully be utilised during football club management. As a result, we’ve developed an app which has really simple and straightforward features but also those which you will fully utilise during football club management. The best part though? The fixed monthly price unlocks all the features from the get-go!


Can Coacha help me improve football team management?

Yes, it can. Coacha is an excellent tool for effective football team management because it has integrated communication features – such as automatic notifications and bulk SMS/email broadcasting – to keep the lines of communication always open between players and coaches. So, if you want to manage a football team with ease, Coacha is the way to do it!


I’ve never used any kind of software or app to manage a football team – is Coacha really complicated to understand and use?

Not at all - managing a football team with Coacha is super-easy. The user interface is straightforward and simple-to-use yet intuitive, and the team communication features alone making managing a football team a total breeze!

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Coacha, The Best Football Coaching Software – FAQs

How is Coacha the “best football coaching software”?

There’s a good reason Coacha users are calling it the best football coaching software:

  • An easy and straightforward interface which makes booking sessions, taking payments, marking attendance and sending notifications a total breeze.
  • Venue bookings allow players to book football pitches or specific equipment if they want.
  • COVID-19 safety features integrated within the football booking system to help keep everyone safe and allow the club to take quick measures in order to distance those who are showing symptoms.
  • CPSU (Child Protection Safety Unit) features built-in according to the latest NSPCC guidelines to keep young players’ data safe at all times and help parents as well as NOKs track their communication.
  • Free Member Portal to let players log onto their football booking system and check everything from club stats to bookable classes to upcoming events and the latest news.
  • GoCardless and Stripe integration to make payments a complete breeze!

This is a very brief list of features that makes Coacha the best football software, but that’s just saying it. Why not grab the FREE 14-day trial to see for yourself by it’s the best football software available right now?


How does Coacha stack up against other “best football software” available today?

While we don’t want to blow our own trumpet, we do want to quickly let you know that as a football booking system, we take convenience, ease-of-use and most important of all, pricing, very seriously.

There are a number of software providers who are gunning for the no. 1 spot for “best football team app”, however, most have been unable to meet user expectations on all three fronts: convenience, ease-of-use and pricing.

What sets Coacha apart as the “best football team app” is how easy it is to approach by even someone who has minimal interest in computers and technology. We understand how not everyone is tech-savvy and we’ve specifically designed the football booking system to meet the needs of every user, no matter what their level of technical and/or computer skills. Think of it as the traditional, decades-old “CRT tube” TV with knobs and sliders but all the features and functionalities of the latest smart TVs!

But even then, does Coacha truly deserve to wear the “best football team app” badge? You decide! Download the FREE 14-day trial now.


When choosing a football booking system, what kind of features should I look for? 

There are quite a few features you need to check for to make sure that your football booking system is going to serve you well over the years.

However, one of the single most important features to look for in a football booking system is for your members to be able to easily book practice sessions online. Did you know that a football club management app can cut admin time in half, sometime even more? If you think about it, sports clubs spend a big chunk of their time arranging for and scheduling training – making sure that session bookings or timeslots are available at the right time and that everyone is on board.

Football club management online just becomes so much easier and simpler with Coacha on your side.


Can football club management software help me expand and grow my club?

Well, our football club management system certainly does and one of the ways it does this is by offering prospective players a really easy sign-up process, which they can access directly from their football club software.

Another way Coacha helps you grow your club is my making the venue booking process really easy and straightforward – after all, training session and venue booking are going to be two of the most common things your players are going to be engaged in. Try our football coaching software free download today for 14 days to have a better idea!


Once I download the football coaching software free download, what happens after the trial period expires?

You’ll simply be prompted to pay an unbelievably low monthly price once your football management software free trial runs out. Everything will already be setup, so you won’t have to worry about entering your preferences again or setting everything up just to continue using the fantastic football management software!


Does using football management software like Coacha require any technical skills?

Oh, none whatsoever! As long as you have a desktop or mobile device, you can run the football management system without much effort. Download it, follow the instructions, and you’re golden. Barely takes a few minutes!


Can Coacha be called a “football organising app”? What does it help me organise exactly?

Yes, many of our users refer to Coacha as a football organising app and it can help you organise everything from online practice session and venue bookings, to allowing your coaches to book both 1-2-1 and private group sessions online through the football organising app.

In addition, the Coacha football organising app has digital attendance registers which helps you track attendance in a quick and seamless manner. You can also use your football organising app to view club stats at a glance, which can help you better organise future events and even fine-tune sales & marketing strategies should you have one.


Can you explain how the Venue Booking feature works in your football pitch booking system?

Venue Booking is a really useful feature in our football pitch booking system which allows you to make football pitch, venue or specific equipment bookable, by simply giving players access to this feature from the football pitch booking system.

You need to set up Venue Booking first by logging onto your football pitch booking system and then access Club Settings from the main interface. Next, find the ‘Enable venue bookings’ section, enable it, and you’re all set.

Once the Venue Booking feature is enabled in your football pitch booking system, you can create individual timeslots so that your players can book into them whenever they need a football pitch for training sessions. You can even name your bookings so as to better acquaint the players – e.g. you can call it “football pitch” booking, “football ground booking”, “football gear/equipment” booking, and so on.

If you look for the venue timetable in this section of your football team management software, you’ll find that it has everything you need to know, including how to set timeslots and even make the Venue Booking feature available to specific players, according to their level of subscription or membership. However, if you need an easy and insightful guide to all the Venue Booking features in your football team management software, you can find it here.


Is the Coacha football software free to use?

We wish! Coacha is ‘football software for free’ for the first 14 days but after that, you need to pay a really low monthly price to use it. It’s also football software ‘free to download’, unlike some of the other football registration software providers who are charging users even to download their app.


Can football registration software help me attract more players?

One of the things our football team management system does particularly well is let players sign up with ease when they log onto their football team management system from a supported device. You can upload your own custom form too along with a ‘T&C’ document, so that players can conveniently consent to your terms while signing up for a membership! This will definitely help to attract more prospective players.


I’ve read mixed reviews on some of the best football team management apps available today – can Coacha beat any of these “best football team management apps”?

We honestly believe that it takes a lot for a piece of software to be called the “best football team management app” and while we’re not big fans of self-praise, we will say that Coacha has been designed by sports coaches for sports coaches and players.

Our users feel that it is the “best football team management app”, given the easy-to-use options, premium features which rival the best football team management apps, but at an amazing price point – not to mention the innovative session booking and venue booking features, and how easy it is to manage the day-to-day admin affairs of your club.

But don’t just take our word for it – try out the football team software absolutely FREE for the first 14 days.


How do players book venues, football pitches or any items I make bookable through the football team software?

This is really easy to do:

Players can access the sessions booking and venue booking feature by first logging onto their pitch booking app, either by using a desktop PC, tablet or smartphone, and then finding the ‘Book a [name]’ option under the main interface. They will then choose a timeslot – from the ones you have made available, that is.

At the time of creating bookable sessions and venues in your pitch booking app, you can also add any guests – for example, if your players will be accompanied by a friend, family member or relative. Finally, your players will choose their mode of payment (unless you have already included booking charges in their prepaid membership) and then hit ‘book’.


I need help with setting up 1-2-1 bookings in the pitch booking app – can you show me the steps?

Certainly! Simply find the desired coach’s profile in your pitch booking app for which you need to enable the 1-2-1 sessions booking or private group booking option (or both), and then manage their timeslots from thereon, even though you can give them the privilege to manage timeslots on their own too when they log onto their pitch booking app.

The next thing you want to do is access the ‘People’ tab from your pitch booking software’s main interface. There, you will find Timeslot Booking Settings. Everything is self-explanatory and clearly laid out, giving you a variety of options to set in the pitch booking software as far as session bookings go.

Need more insights into how 1-2-1 bookings and timeslots work in the pitch booking software? Here’s an easy-to-follow guide


Can the language be changed in my pitch booking software?

Unfortunately, this isn’t possible at the moment as Coacha is only available in English, the most commonly spoken language in the currently supported regions – i.e. the US, UK, EU, AU and Canada.

However, you can definitely change up specific terms in your pitch booking software, such as:

  • ‘Session’, ‘Practice’ or ‘Training’ instead of ‘Class’
  • ‘Player’, ‘Client’ or ‘Student’ instead of ‘Member’
  • ‘Instructor’, ‘Trainer’ or ‘Teacher’ instead of ‘Coacha’
  • And so on


What is the Member Portal feature in my soccer club management app and how does it work?

The FREE Member Portal included with your soccer club management app allows both your players and coaches to login from their chosen device at any time, and view everything from club stats to class schedules, attendance registers, the latest news, and more.

The Member Portal can be used by your players to view training session timeslots, book sessions and entire venues, and conveniently make payments for their monthly subscription/membership. It can even be used by parents or NOKs of young players (if you’ve given them access) to view communications relevant to them as, all the transactions they’ve made (if they are over 18) or, for example, which upcoming events they will be participating in.

Similarly, your coaches can log onto the soccer club management software to make training sessions and timeslots available and track attendance as well as the progress of each player. Please keep in mind, however, that you will need to setup your Member Portal login as the administrator or organisation owner. Once you’ve set this up, you can enable Member Portal logins for your players and coaches as well.

If you want to know more about how to access the Member Portal and create logins from your soccer club management software, then this useful guide is all your need.


Can booked sessions be cancelled by players themselves using the soccer club management software or do I need to do it for them?

Your players are always at liberty to cancel booked sessions themselves directly from the soccer club software – they can do this by heading to ‘Your Classes’ from the main interface and then selecting ‘Cancel’. However, you do need to give them permission to book/cancel sessions when setting up bookable sessions/classes from your end in the soccer club software.


How do I assign Member Portal logins to my players so that they can use the soccer club software to view certain information?

This is really easy to do from your soccer coaching software – after logging in, find the ‘Your Members’ tab from the main interface. Tap on ‘Set member logins’, and then the ‘Send to Everyone’ tab will be checked automatically in the soccer coaching software.

You also have the option to send login details to specific players or groups only – all you need to do is uncheck the ‘Send to Everyone’ tab and choose the players/session/group from the dropdown menu. Then proceed to ‘Add’ and once you’ve added them, click on ‘Send Login Request’.


Does the soccer coaching software download require any fee or charges?

None at all! You can grab your soccer coaching software download right now absolutely free – a privilege even most “soccer coaching software free download” offers are not providing. Sure, it may be advertised as “soccer coaching software free download”, along with many other marketing tactics to rack up their download statistics, but it is rarely “free”. On the other hand, our soccer management app is totally free to download AND try for free during the first 14 days.


I’m not familiar with how to create bookable sessions through a soccer management app – can you show me how to do this?


After creating a bookable session or class through the ‘People’ tab (accessible from the main navigation bar) in your soccer management app, look for a checkbox at the bottom: “Can people book onto this class?”

You need to check this box and choose the maximum number of players who can book onto the class/session* you’ve just created.

*Please note that you have the option to change the language in Coacha so you can rename ‘Classes’ to ‘Practices’ or ‘Sessions’, or ‘Coaches’ to ‘Instructors’ or ‘Trainers’, for example.


Can I allow my players to pay for any bookable sessions on a pay-as-you-go model?

Yes, this is totally possible to do from your soccer management software;

Once you make your sessions ‘bookable’ in the soccer management software, additional options will now show up – one of these options says ‘pay-as-you-go’. Just go ahead and check that. Now choose how clients pay you, so if you’re already connected with GoCardless or Stripe, that’s awesome as it’s a brilliant way to collect online payments through your soccer management software with minimal transaction charges.

Alternatively, your players can also pay in cash through the soccer registration software, although most clubs are trying to get away from this.

Naturally, the ones coming under ‘paid’ have already paid their club subscription fee through the soccer registration software. The ones shown as ‘‘pending’ have yet to make their payment. So, with people paying in cash, just hit the ‘make a payment’ button against an individual payment and the status will be changed. As long as they have funds in their account, the soccer registration software will register it as “paid”.


My players have different subscriptions so can I set who can book training sessions through the soccer software and who can’t?

We thought club owners might need a feature like this in their soccer software at some point, so you bet there’s a way to set who can book onto sessions or not!

Once you’ve created a class/session and made it ‘bookable’, simply look for the checkbox: “Restrict Member Groups’. Now choose the groups who can book through the soccer software and who can’t. And, you’re done!


I wanted to add additional membership options in the soccer software sign-up form – is there a way to do this?

Absolutely! Through your soccer team management app, you can add as many subscription plans as you like to your football club sign-up form – helping your players to easily choose their desired subscription plan right there and then.

Just log onto your soccer team management app and access ‘Club Settings’ from the main dashboard. Then go to ‘Club sign up form’. Next, look for ‘Add payment to your sign up form’. Now, you can offer players the option to pay on a recurring model or a one-off/pay-as-you-go model.

There’s just one small step left: pick the subscription(s) you want players to see when they sign up and then click on ‘Add subscription plan’. This needs to be clicked on every time you want to add another subscription option. Now hit ‘Save’ and voila! All the subscription options you just set in your soccer team management app will now appear before you and your players when they sign up.


What if I need help with setting up my soccer team management app as this is the first time I’m using a soccer team management software like Coacha?

Setting up your soccer team management software has never been easier. Here’s a really easy and friendly guide through which you can set everything up* in your soccer team management software in just 5 simple steps.

*Want to change up some of the terms in your soccer team management software? Coacha offers the option to change the terms, so you can rename ‘Classes’ to ‘Practices’ or ‘Sessions’, or ‘Coaches’ to ‘Instructors’ or ‘Trainers’, or ‘Member’ to ‘Player/Athlete’, for example.


Can my club’s Terms and Conditions be updated directly through the soccer team software?

Yes, this is possible and really easy too:

Choose ‘Profile’ from your soccer team software’s main dashboard. Then go to ‘Club Settings’ and then ‘Signup Form’. Go ahead and remove the current T&C document which was attached when you created the signup form in your soccer team software. Now use the ‘Upload a file’ option to upload the latest T&C document, so that the next time your players or coaches log onto the soccer team software, they will receive a notification that a new T&C document has been uploaded which requires their consent. This notification will also be sent to them automatically via the football academy management software in the form of an email.


My football academy software does not seem to be accepting payments from some of my members – what could possibly be the issue?

While the Coacha football club administration software does work seamlessly with nearly all major debit cards, you do need to make sure that everything is A-OK with your member’s Current Accounts. But if you’re still experiencing issues accepting payments from members as part of their connection you’re your football club communication software, then check if:

  • The account info they have given you and you’ve used in your install of Coacha’s football club database management online has sufficient funds, and;
  • They have joint permissions from the people listed as signatories on the account as multiple signatures will be required on these types of accounts.

Other than that, you may want to check with GoCardless or Stripe to make sure their network isn’t down. If you still can’t figure out why your football club database management service won’t let you make/receive payments, please submit a ticket so we can investigate the matter further.


What kind of security measures are there in your football club database management software to keep my personal data safe?

In addition to complying with the NSPCC’s Child Protection Safety Unit (CPSU) guidelines, we also help you to comply with GDPR regulations. Just by using Coacha itself you’ll be squaring away up to about 80% of your GDPR needs (the rest you need to ensure from your end) – while our servers are encrypted with the latest in SSL technology. Plus, our team never access any user data unless they are working on the system for things like product updates, support or problem solving.

In short, we have taken every step possible to ensure that your data remains safe when you’re using our football club management service to communicate with your coaches and players.


Are GoCardless and Stripe the only two modes of football club payment processing available in Coacha?

No, your football coaching & administration app also supports the ability to record bank transfer and cash, in addition to Standing Order and BACS payments. However, we’d still recommend sticking with GC or Stripe as they’ve got some of the best transaction rates in the industry, that sits at the heart of your soccer management system.


I sometimes don’t have an internet connection – can pitch booking apps like Coacha be used offline?

Yes, our football management software for your agency, club or organisation can definitely be used offline with minimal functionality, but you will need internet access to use Coacha fully.


I’ve seen a lot of ads for free football software – is it truly “free”?

Us too! These ads for free football software often flood the internet without warning and we’ve to admit, some of the free football systems ads do make it very enticing to download, even if you end up paying a small fee later down the line.

However, the thing with free football systems is that they are rarely ever truly free. You can bet they will charge an administrative fee just to let you try it out for “free” or ask for credit card details as you are about to download them – and you can guess what happens next!

Coacha will never mislead you in anyway: it is totally FREE to download and try for the first 14 days and then, you pay a really awesome price each month to keep using it.

Comparing Coacha with other software and apps?

A few things to remember…

Firstly, we don't charge by the member, as that gets costly for you. Also, we never show adverts to your members. And we don't charge for updates and new features, nor the use of our iOS & Android Apps. Above all though, we don't draw you in with claims of 'FREE to use' then pile on extra charges later for unlocking functionality that should be included in the first place.
Few providers can make all of these claims. But we can.

Membership Management Apps & Software for any type of club, organisation or society.

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© Copyright Coacha Software Ltd (2014 – present day)

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Coacha has saved us so much time and improved our interaction with new and current customers. Since we started using Coacha the system has been upgraded so many times with fantastic new features. The customer service is fantastic, and we wouldn't be without the system!

Clare Company Director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Coacha is a must for our gym. Very pleased. Recommend Coacha to all gym owners. Easy to use and navigate. Manages all our CRM needs. Great team ready and willing to support.

Jon Owner Head Coach in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic software for all your administrative needs. The fact that all admin tasks are on one platform - previously we had accounting software, invoicing applications, google documents for storing athlete information and registers. Coacha allows you to fulfil all of your usual administrative tasks in one place and allows athletes/parents to view the information as easily as staff.

Alex Program Director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

I wouldn’t use anything else you can use every feature on it & it’s so easy to work. If it wasn’t for this App, I would be doing hours & hours of admin. So, I’m thankful to have found this app!

Hannah Dance teacher in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Easy implementation, streamlined administration, fabulous support, advice, and online help. Cost effective solution with great infrastructure and a friendly team. Highly recommended for club management solution.

Jillian Business Manager in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

We switched over from another system - EVERYTHING is easier! So functional. The staff like it as do the parents. The admin are very quick to respond too.

Hannah Owner & Head Coach in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic customer service and is a fab asset to our club. Easy to use, saves me time and stress! It also feels safe storing medical and co tact details.

Laura Lead director in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Fantastic Software for Dance Schools! Monthly subscriptions have been a game changer for our business, far less admin time required compared to previous system and the reports have been really useful. Looking forward to working with the system further to develop our dance school!

Arlene Studio Owner & Administrator in UK Health, Wellness & Fitness - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Excellent, affordable, clean. Coacha is very user-friendly, clean and professional with good customisation options. I don't think there's much that can be improved.

Ashton Director in UK Performing Arts - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Great support and easy to use system. Very happy so far. Has made administration so much easier than with our previous system (and something that I look forward to rather than dread!). The overall feel of the system is very 'clean', easy to sign onto, navigate and use

Laura Owner/Partner in UK - review on Capterra and a Coacha subscriber

Subscribe to any payment plan during October and get 50% off for 6 months when using voucher code OCT2024*

Subscribe by midnight on 31st October 2024. Requires signing up for free trial then entering voucher code: OCT2024. 50% off does not include transaction fees. New customers only.
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